Poisoned by a dentist - How "silver" fillings are making you sick - There's a reason they called it the murder house. A life minus the metals! ✨

in #life7 years ago (edited)


There's an empty building that sits on the grounds of my old school, it sits on the ashphalt under a tree out of the way, untouched in years. It seems nobody really notices is but me.
I stare at it imagining the reasons for it not being used. A toxic hazard, perhaps?
let's take a look..


'Mercury, the most toxic metal in the world, is all of a sudden safe once we put it in our mouths"


At age 9 i received my first amalgam fillings.
At age 10 I was being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called "Hashimoto's"
At age 11 I developed severe migraines
At age 12 I tried to kill myself.

For the next 17 years it would seem I was never 100% well.

Do the Math.

"Dentists will never admit it"

Is what my Dentist said at the last visit. Because if they did, next would be a tumbling shit storm. . I feel lucky to have found a Dentist in New Zealand who agrees that amalgams can make you sick. Some people just can not detox heavy metals as well as other people. A build up of heavy metals leads to disease & illness. It's scary just how much mercury & heavy metals can contribute to any health problem. No matter the health ailment, you can more than likely bet you have a heavy metal problem. The way (most) Doctors overlook HM as the likely cause of illness, is criminal. We believe our doctors, we trust them. The last 6 months have had my trust completely lost in the health system & I now look at health in a different light.
I imagine how humans would be minus the metals, minus the toxins. Our health would look much different. Of course their are always exceptions. But knowing something this big, I would be an absolute asshole if I stopped talking about it.


Mercury is not the only culprit, look at it as taking away one part of the toxin load when you remove your fillings. Even if you've never had silver fillings, there are other ways of making sure you are filled with heavy metals.


If Mercury toxicity in your mouth wasn't enough, your fillings also give off an electrical charge. While the reading of my fillings charge was in the normal range, some people aren't so lucky and have high voltage in their mouths in close proximity to their brains without knowing.


Those fillings I got when i was 9 years old? I still have em almost 20 years later. I am not a special case (debatable) - Millions of people around the world still have amalgams. Millions more are yet to receive theirs.

But humans have an incredible ability to heal back to a natural state. Next week I get the poison out, and start a chelation protocol which binds to heavy metals & draws them out of the body.

Let me be your guinea pig baby, all you ever dreamed of. Let's see how life feels..

"Minus the metals"


Really nice attractive article kaykunoichi

Thanks very much!

Some friends of my kids age 5 have already fillings due to the amount of candies they get from their parents. But I do believe some people have weaker teeth than others, doesn't matter if you eat healthy or unhealthy. That's very scary to hear at age 12 you tried to kill yourself :-(. Hope you don't try that anymore. I had that too when I was 8, together with my sister, because of the family situation we had. But luckily we never really did it.

I hope they're not silver fillings..

I know two boys, they have silver fillings!

They need to be banned. Some people are better at detoxing than others, but we should still not have mercury anywhere near our mouths.

I don't know about that, but here in the Netherlands it's normal to have silver fillings. As far as I know, they don't do any harm. But Im not 100% sure because I don't have fillings.

They have made me very sick, My hair tests came back with high mercury and they constantly leak mercury vapor. It effects everyone differently and the longer you have them the more dangerous they become I guess. Some people are fine, others are very sick.

That is really terrible to hear that you got sick from it. I am happy to hear they are going to remove them with something much safer. I hope the new ones will not make you sick anymore. Yeah, it effects everyone differently I think.

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