How is Easter Celebrated Around the World?

in #life7 years ago

This Easter, I decided it would be interesting to learn about the many ways people celebrate the season throughout the world. So here are just a few traditions one might see in other countries.

(1) Hungary. Citizens participate in a practice known as "sprinkling" where boys sprinkle water, perfume, or cologne over a girl's head and ask for a kiss. The water is symbolic for having a cleaning or purification effect.

(2) France. In France, a massive omelet is made from 4,500 eggs that feeds up to 1,000 people. The tradition dates back to Napoleon's time when he ordered citizens to bring eggs from their home to make enough omelets to feed his army.

(3) Brazil. Locals make straw dolls resembling Judas, known for betraying Jesus, and hanging them in the streets. Once they are hung up, townspeople will "beat" them up, and on the Saturday before Easter, a festival is held to recognize the end of Lent.

(4) Sweden. Children dress up as "Easter witches" with long skirts, scarves, and round, red circles painted on their cheeks. Once they are all dressed up, they go from home to home exchanging drawings and other artwork for sweet treats.

(5) Greece. On the Saturday before Easter, patrons throw planting pots out of their windows onto the streets to be smashed. The tradition has been linked to both the welcoming of spring by allowing new plants to grow from the pots, and the ridding of old items.

(6) Czech Republic. The Czechs have a custom in which men spank women on the Monday following Easter with whips made from willow branches. The tradition has it that the willow tree is the first to blossom in the spring, so its vitality will be transferred to the women, making them fertile.

**None of the photos above are my original content.

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