Searching For Sugar Man - Music So Honest That It Will Touch Your Heart [EN/PL]

in #life7 years ago



If you have not listened to Rodriguez, I highly recommend doing so cause this is something unique.


His full name is Sixto Diaz Rodriguez and he is a Mexican-American folk musician, born on July 10, 1942 in Detroit, Michigan. He recorded only two albums - Cold Fact (1970) and Coming from Reality (1971). His songs deal with a political stance on the cruelties facing the inner city poor. Some of his songs served as anti-Apartheid anthems in South Africa, where his work influenced musicians protesting against the government.

Searching for Sugar Man it's a documentary film about his life, music and mostly about the rumor about his death - was it true and if not, to discover what happend to him. Unknown in country he was born in, he gained fame in... South Africa! And he didn't know about is, until 1998.

Soundtrack from this film:

"An artist, poet-philosopher with no ego is rare but, harder to comprehend is a man with so much talent, although ignored by some record label exec, chose to take the high road and remain true to himself and his music. Lyrics so powerful they were banned by S. African radio and ultimately helped defeat apartheid."

"Amazing to think this guy wasn't the biggest act in the world in the early 70s."

"One of the best composers-singers in the world. I don't understand why he's practically unknown in America."

"(...) this is really powerful and touching, it almost made me cry without knowing why, is here where he achieves it, causing a feeling through sounds, the strings arrangement is fantastic."




Ostatnio natrafiłam na coś, co jakiś czas temu zwróciło moją uwagę. Zaczęło się od dokumentalnego filmu Searching for Sugar Man, do obejrzenia którego bardzo Was zachęcam, gdyż historia ta jest unikatowa i - jak to bywa w takich przypadkach - mało znana. Do tego piękna muzyka, która być może nie od razu, skradnie Wasze serca i kto wie, zachęci do refleksji.

Film opowiada o amerykańskim wokaliście, gitarzyście Sixto Díaz Rodríguezie, urodzonym w 1942 roku w Detroit (Michigan, USA). Nagrał on jedynie dwa albumy Cold Fact (1970) i Coming from Reality (1971). W swojej twórczości słychać wyraźne nawiązania do politycznej, często okrutnej postawy skierowanej wobec najuboższych.

Artysta, poeta-filozof, skromny człowiek o ogromnym talencie, który zdobył sławę w Południowej Afryce. I nie był jej świadom przez dłuższy czas swojego życia. Ignorowany przez wytwórnię płytową, pozostał wiernym sobie i swojej muzyce. A stała się ona tak potężnym orężem, że w pewnym momencie, została wpisana na listę zakazanych przez afrykańskie radia a ostatecznie, pomogła pokonać apartheid.

Tu jedna z perełek, która jako pierwsza skradła mi serce:

"I Wonder" (1970)
I wonder how many times you've been had
And I wonder how many plans have gone bad
I wonder how many times you had sex
I wonder do you know who'll be next
I wonder I wonder, wonder I do

I wonder about the love you can't find
And I wonder about the loneliness that's mine
I wonder how much going have you got
And I wonder about your friends that are not
I wonder I wonder, wonder I do

I wonder about the tears in children's eyes
And I wonder about the soldier that dies
I wonder will this hatred ever end
I wonder and worry my friend
I wonder I wonder wonder don't you?

I wonder how many times you been had
And I wonder how many dreams have gone bad
I wonder how many times you've had sex
And I wonder do you know who'll be next
I wonder I wonder, wonder I do


I love music and resteemit done dear.

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