🌼 Pursue your passion: Don’t let society tell you what you can and can’t do 🌼

in #life7 years ago (edited)

There are so many things in life that can prevent us from pursuing our passions. It could be fear, expectations from society, family influences, etc. that influence and dictate how we should live life. Since the minute we arrived in this world, we were shaped by society and our surroundings. We are told how we should live life and what was considered normal. The constant repetition of what we should and shouldn’t do continue throughout our lives and into adulthood. Some of us may wake up in a daze and realize that we are not living our life, but living out someone else’s dreams.

Society tells us what we should be doing in each life stage to be successful and live a happy life. Go to school, get a degree, settle down and get married, then have children etc. While none of these things that we are told we should do in life are bad, I highly doubt that this is supposed to be everyone’s destiny. People are not meant to be molded and stuffed into a cookie cutter. We are intelligent creatures with unique personalities.

Growing up, my parents had a more traditional conservative outlook on life. They always encouraged me to do well in school, get a degree and get a practical job. As I grew older and more rebellious, my passion and love for art could not be quenched. While I understood my parent's concern of pursuing art as a living, this did not stop me. I love to draw and create, and so after college, I started to pursue my dreams. In 2013, I opened an online jewelry store, selling handmade jewelry that I made. The more I worked on my own business, the more ideas I had. In 2016, I published my first coloring book for adults. All 37 illustrations were made by me. You can view my book here. This year, I started my own crafting YouTube channel. I wanted to share my love and passion for making things.

*Me and my book!

*illustrations from my book

The result of pursuing and listening to my heart, is my well-being. I feel at peace with myself and confident with my capabilities. When you follow your passion, you will have zero regrets in life, because this is what you were meant to be doing. I hope this blog encourages you to stand up for yourself and follow your heart. What is it that you wish to do with your life?

*Here is one of my fun craft videos


....Or making latex clothing :-D got it :-)

It´s funny when you are a little bit different. No matter what you do.

Can´t contribute much more to it :-)

hahhaa You are rocking the Latex clothing brand! :)

Awww... Käääräääähn

Lovely book !! Always following your dreams leads too golden stuff like this!

Thank you! I agree. Thanks for the lovely comment.

Good advice 👏

Since we are born society wants to take control of us, we start with a language that we do not choose, they impose the idea of what is good and what is bad, what is reality and what is not real, I think it is of great importance to learn to unlearn and take our own decisions according to our own ideals and points of view.

That's why questioning your surroundings can be such a healthy and good activity for your mind.

Yes! Not everyone is destined for the same path; we are not all meant for a cookie cutter life! Do things differently, the way that is right for you and pursue your dreams!
Good for you for following your passion for art! Your illustrations are lovely! I want to color them! 😊

Thank you! :) Glad you like my work! If you are interested in coloring my book, I do sell it online. Here is the link: http://bit.ly/Lifeofthewild Hope you enjoy!

Look at you on Amazon and everything! You go, girl! :D

totally agree. also we live in amazing times, in which you can make a living much easier with the help of the internet and some ideas compared to a couple of years ago.

Who would think it would be possible, people not only live from streaming videogames but live very very good from it for example.

haha, very true! People make money off of YouTube, and even Steemit! WOW :)

Girl you are living your dreams and that is so incredible! I am so proud of you, you have so many talents I'm blown away!! Your awesome baby!🌿❤️

aww thanks girfran! :) You are amazing as well!

i love this art!
very nice!.gif

Totally agree. Identify your passions and follow your heart. Then work hard at it and be the best you can be. It really won't be work since it is something that drives and motivates you. Looking at your smile, it seems you've found yours and are pursuing it wholeheartedly and with great joy and glee.

:) Yes yes yes! The best part about pursuing your dreams is the sense of accomplishment and confidence it gives you.

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