You only have 2 eyes, any problems get them checked ASAP.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A few years ago I had a Retina Detachment when the Retina pulls away from the eye as the glue that keeps it stuck there can disappear as you get older. I had never heard of it so thought its worth bringing up again in case anyone else had the same problem.

This happened to me a couple of years ago,

I was sitting watching the TV when all of a sudden it looked like someone had pulled a curtain over my right eye, the only bit I could see was out of the right hand side bottom corner, everything else was black, since I had never heard of this happening I just thought it was a floater in my eye. I should have gone straight to the eye clinic but instead I waited 3 weeks thinking it would get better. I eventually made an appointment at the Opticians for a Saturday, I already had an appointment at my Doctors earlier on in the week so thought I would mention it then too.

There was no pain just darkness, I went to see my Doctor and told her the symptoms, she was going to check my eye but when I said I had an appointment at the Opticians that Saturday she left it at that.
The funny thing is the same Doctor had been through the same thing as I had a few years before but she didn't recognise the symptoms, after my eye was sorted and I went back to the Doctors she couldn't stop apologising for missing it

I went to the Opticians as planned, I told the lady what had happened, she told me to wait a second then dashed off to speak to another assistant. When she got back took me a machine that flashes little red lights you had to click the button when you saw one, I could only see the ones in the corner of my eye, she then went to get the other assistant which I realised was the manager, her took me away for a few more tests then told mt to go straight to the eye clinic, with it being 3 weeks there was a chance I could have lost the sight in that eye.

I got to the eye clinic, the Opticians had phoned ahead so they were waiting for me. I went through so many tests then told I had to come back early Monday morning as they needed to operate. Now I was frightened
Monday morning arrived, I had to be taken to a separate room as I have a latex allergy, was assigned one nurse and only that one nurse was allowed in to see me, I felt like a leper lol It wasn't long before I was taken down for my operation.

The idea of having an operation scared me so I asked to me knocked out, when I got back to my bed I was told I must stay lying on my stomach for so long, it was a nightmare as after every operation I have my bladder doesn't like it and I can't stop peeingsorry I was constantly ringing the bell, they would bring a pan then I would fill it then back lying on my stomach, After a while they changed the position to lie on one side, I think this had something to do with the glue sticking and the gas bubble they put behind your eye to keep the Retina in place.

The Surgeon came to see me, she said I was very lucky as my Retina was tucked away in left corner of my eye, when she managed to free it it was torn in 8 places, she had managed to repair all the tears and re glue it back. she also said I will get a cataract within a year but that happened straight away so had to have laser treatment for that too. The nurses were even surprised I had any sight back with 8 tears and waiting 3 weeks. I was told I might not get all my sight back but after everything was done I had 90% back which is amazing.

Thanks Pixabay

Its been a few years now, I can see a difference in my eyes, they are both declining but getting my eyes checked every year now helps me keep on top of things. My only problem after all that is I have a smudge on my eye from the laser that looks like a small squashed fly plus 3 little bubbles, when I am bored I try and get the smudge to hit the bubbles, I have managed it a couple of times but must look a right weirdo when doing it.

Thank you @son-of-satire


Great post thank you! My eye sight is terrible might go get checked now thank u xxxx 😍💗

Thank you, def go get them checked :)

Will do thanks x

I fixed my retina before Lasik (well, you know that), and I remember doctor saying that no one suspects any problems until what you described happens.

There's no symptons it just happens, thought you might get a warning :)

thanks for the reminder ⏰

Your welcome :)

I usually get checked my eyes one time at year because I wear lens for my short-sightedness, but I'll pay more attention to the symptoms now ;)

I amd glad it will make you more aware. I never heard it happening to anyone else then after it had happened loads of people had been through it. There should be more awareness :)

as you said, you only get two, and they have to last for a lifetime and "hand me down" if they are any good after you have finished with them.
A check-up is cheap.

Very true and well said :)

You are one lucky person!

I was very lucky then :)

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