Threatened at work... again. I hate thieves.

in #life7 years ago

Another tale of my days working for Holland & Barratt. I would never think that is would be a big target for thieves but we did still hold quite a few high priced items.

I was in the office when an assistant rang the bell, once for help. I went straight out onto the shop floor to see they were keeping an eye on a young lad. He looked drunk or high, couldn't walk in a straight line but kept trying to hide himself from the assistants.

I positioned myself close by, I tidied up the shelfs as I kept a close eye on him, you could tell he was getting angry as he was clenching his fists and swearing. I was kneeling down when he stood right next to me with his fist clenched, his fist was near my face whe he said I'm going to kick your f*ing head in obviously we had stopped him from taking what he wanted. I stood up and told him to get out or ill call the police. He turned away then left.

I Should have called the police but thought he would have gone away. One of the assistants finished at half 3. She was only gone a few seconds when she came back to tell me our friend was at the end of the street waiting for me to finish. I popped my head out and there he was, he saw me then showed me his fist.

I didn't finish until half 5 so he had a wait plus it was cold and all he had on was a shirt and jeans. I phoned Glen who said he would come meet me, the metro takrs around 30 minutes so he would be here in plenty of time. He arrived around 5ish, he noticed the lad waiting but came straight to the shop to make sure there had been no trouble.

Around quarter past 5 the lad walked past the shop to give me more abuse but then realised Glen wasnt a customer he was with me, Glen ran to the door but the lad turned around and ran off. We never saw him again. He had waited outside in the cold for a few hours, I think him seeing Glen sobered him up.

Thank you son-of-satire


Quite unfortunate that you have to almost deal with putting yourself in aggressive/possible violent positions. Nobody should have to do that, that is not signed up for that specifically.

Glad your ok Karen.

I needed danger money lol thank you :)

Lol. Living on the edge. ;;)

Always lol :)

Too bad they don't give danger pay for shop workers....

They should do :)

Even then the slave was useful. I think it is in the job decription for being a slave somewhere.

He does as he is told when he is told. I have trained him well :)

I thought that this only happened in Argentina. here is very common theft in supermarkets. who calls the police and gets behind the bars, is not forgiven, is very high to lost for theft in a supermarket.
Thank you very much queirsa amiga @ karenb54 for sharing your story
I wish you a good evening.

Thank you for visiting :)

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