in #life โ€ข 6 years ago

Its that time of year when we are all busy with our own thoughts, Christmas Present shopping, plans, Christmas day food etc, we all have so much going on we forget about the people around us, not just family members but neighbours, people we pass on the streets, people we are queuing with, we don't think what someone else may be going through.


The next time you are out pay attention to who you are passing, who is next in the queue, what people are saying, how people look. A simple smile or holding a door open for someone can mean the absolute world as they then dont feel as if there ignored.

With working in retail most of my working life i have a bond with shop workers, i know the stress they go through dealing with an unhappy customer, being polite can mean all the difference to that persons day, you haven't a clue what they are going through plus vice versa, it goes both ways and being polite or smiling at someone is free and could mean a lot more to some.


I've been shouted and swore at work, not of something i have done but something the firm i worked for hadn't done. Didn't matter how much i tried to explain it was still my fault and i got full 2 barrels as they shot me down with insults all because head office had stopped selling a certain item without any warning. I tried to help by phoning other stores to see if they had stock to send us for her, i spent ages trying to help but all i got was anger. By the time the lady had left the shop i was a wreck.

We all go about our days dealing with our own lifes there is no care left in this world. We don't want to get involved when we see someone in trouble, but what happens if the person who was in trouble was you, wouldn't you want someone to at least ask Are you OK, wouldn't the world be such a better place if we all started to care that little bit more about everyone not just ourselfs. A smile, holding the door open, please and thank you, have a nice day, Free and simple, spreading some love making someone's day so much better.



Thank you son-of-satire

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People should really stop treating retail workers like dirt or using them as something to take their anger out on @karenb54

I agree. People forget they have feelings to

The poor counter jumpers have my sympathy.
If you can't say something nice, don't say anything, I can still feel the clip under the ear I got as a kid the only time I was rude to the person on the other side of the counter.

Its hard to keep your cool as they push you. :(

Remember, "The customer is always right, no matter how wrong the stupid B****** may be".

Doesn't cost anything to be polite ๐Ÿ˜‹

yes, but see the steam coming out of the ears with some customers.

I have seen it and felt it ๐Ÿ™„

Time pass so fast and Christmas is round the corner. Smiles are a great way to spread the Christmas cheer.

Posted using Partiko Android

We should be spreading it all year :)

Spot on, Karen! I feel it every day at work and sometimes you simply cannot smooth over the situation, no matter how much you try.

Something you just have to let them go. Can really ruin your day :(

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