So bloody angry, feeling let down by the people who are supposed to care.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I take quite a lot of medication for my chronic pain and other problems, I try and keep on track but sometimes make mistakes where I have to ask for help. I forgot to order my Codeine. I take 30mg 4 x a day, I was taking 2, 4 x a day but after seeing a Rheumatologist who is weaning me off Codeine and putting me on Duloxetine as this is better for Fibromylagia where as Codeine makes it worse. I have managed to half my amount, when I went to get a new pack I realised I had none left really not like me

I phoned my Doctors straight away hoping they would be able to get a prescription wrote up for me to pick up later, I was told they would try but couldn't promise as they need 48 hours for a prescription. I have been on these tablets for around 5 years now if not longer. I was told to phone back later to see if it had been done, which I did to be told the Doctors are still busy and the prescription hasn't been action-ed as yet. I then decided to phone my usual pharmacist where my tablets are always administered. I asked if I could lend 20 tablets until Monday when the Prescription would be ready. The Pharmacist said "there not allowed to lend Codeine" so back to the Doctors.

I waited until half 5 to phone again as this is when the Drs usually stop working, Speaking to the same receptionist, she said the Doctors still had patients to see, they were running behind and still hadn't sent the prescription and to phone back at 10 to 6 where they will be finished. I phoned again to be told exactly the same, the Doctors are still busy and I will have to wait now until Monday for my medication, so that means 3 days of withdrawing.

Common withdrawal symptoms:
Muscle aches,
Stomach pains,


Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Good luck. Stay strong.

Focus on the challenge. You mind and mental state have a huge affect on how your body reacts.

Find stuff that makes you giggle, that makes you happy and it will help.

I'll be thinking of you. ;-)

Pranking hubby helps, will have go think of some new ones. Thank you :)

Oooo.... careful of his prostate though. You don't want him to hurt anything.

Ok, so if you really have to prank your hubby, make it a nice prank.
Perhaps you could cover yourself in chocolate and hide in the cupboard and pretend you are a chocolate bar. When he opens the cupboard to take a sneaky nibble, you can jump out and surprise him.

Won't he be surprised that you are the chocolate bar?

And once he knows, will he still try to nibble, just a little bit?

Not a chance total waste of chocolate lol ill think of something ;)

This is rubbish treatment. They should have done something in the circumstances - you should complain to them about your treatment.

I am furious, as Doctors they should know about the withdrawal symptoms and they know how long I have been on them. Very irresponsible of them

I'm so sorry to hear of the struggle you're facing, Karen dear! I wish for you plenty of strength to make it through.

I hope a lot of steeming will help! :O

Or knock my self out with sleeping tablets ... dreading it.. thanks hun :)

Here, Dear: Might something on one of these lists help a bit?:

Great thank I will take a look :)

Sorry to hear your troubles. Funny: in the nineteenth century, all of those meds would be available off-the-shelf at an "apothecary."

Can we go back in time please

Good luck! I sympathize with your plight: dealing with medical issues is a major crux of modern life in many way. :(


You're welcome. I'm dealing with a child with food allergies and the insurance/school system. It's a nightmare that occupies at least a full day of the week for the last three months. :/

I can imagine I had the same sort of thing years ago with my daughters school she was on a special diet. I had to buy all her ingredients and pay full price for school dinner.s. Hope you get it sorted out

I understand and also get annoyed. I am also weaning off a controlled drug. The whole process is terrible. The junkies and regulations make it hard on those of us who take our medications responsibly.

Its not on or fair. I have be through a withdrawel Before after doing the same thing, its horrible, I can't understand why they would put me through this

It is terrible. If you live somewhere that pot is legal, it will help you with the withdrawl. :( So, sorry you are in for a rough weekend.

I wish, they wonder why so many people turn to pot fot relief

Poor hubby getting pranked again , however he is showing his love for you by allowing you to continue. Try and keep busy with mind holding things so you get distracted, and have words with your doctor at your next appointment.

Ill be gong mad next time I see them they have really let me down

I am very sorry for what you have to spend dear friend @ karenb54, is impensando that in the year 2017 this happens

Just hope I get through it ok :( Thank you

You're welcome my friend

you could maybe try a walk in center, one may be open on Saturdays? or could try out of hours services, you usually get a number on the answer phone of a closed surgery, if not how about through the 111 number?

I would call one of them and say you need to see a Dr
just some things I thought of.

All the best to you

There worth a try. Ill see how I cope if it gets bad ill be going to hospital Thank you

Karen , I just saw this post and I am so sorry to see that you have to live with all those chemicals. Geesusss ....I really wish you wel and that you could find a way to get rid of such chronic pain. It must me horrific to depend on those " drug dealers " who obviously don't care.

I take so many it drives me mad, Thank you for your kind words :)

I am wondering if its a nerve problem . I had the same for over a year but was able to heal through a Balian ( healer ) in Bali . It took a long time though and I had at least 3-5 times special massages opening all blockages as he said was the problem.

I have nerve damage after hang 9 operations plus osteoarthritis, diseased and torn cartridge,fibromylagia and chrinic pain

Thats madness :( so sorry for your struggle. stay strong !