One Gall Bladder removed One hubby home resting

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Its done woohoo I am so glad this operation is done plus he got a little extra they fixed his hernia too.

Thanks Pixabay

Its been a long day, he had to get up at 7am for something to eat the he came back to bed for another hour before getting ready to go to the hospital again, he decided to walk to clear his head as he was very anxious today not like him at all its a good 45 minutes walk to the hospital, he was a bit concerned as he felt a bit stuffy and his nose was running. He was concerned that they might not do the operation again if he had cold, thankfully his temperature was OK and his symptoms weren't that bad.

His operation was booked for 12.30, I never heard from him all day so was very concerned, he told me he would phone me around 5 to tell me what's happening, I waited until 5.30 then phoned the hospital who told me to phone back at 7 as he could be discharged at 7.30. I phoned back at 7 thankfully to be told he was ready to come home.

When I arrived at the hospital he looked really tired and sore, he was supposed to be down in theatre for an hour but was down longer due to them fixing his hernia which was an added bonus he couldn't reach his phone to phone me as he was to sore.


We are home now, he's very uncomfortable and tired, he now has up to 6 weeks off work with a lot of rest and relaxation. He has to administer injections into his stomach for 5 days and keep his sexy stockings on for 2 weeks. Its going to be hard with me being disabled, sure we will manage and get through this in one piece

** Thank you for all your support through this, Your all amazing**

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Best wishes, he made it through ok. Now things will start going up hill for both of you.
Look forward, its better than your behind lol.

Better times ahead I hope. THANK YOU :)

You are what you think. Think good , be good, think bad be shit. Learned that a while ago, it works for me.

Positive thinking from now on :)

Very best wishes and prayers for a speedy recovery! 😄😇😄


That's why people should always have an extra spouse; in case somethin bad happens 2 1, you always have an extra . . .

Who said those religious nut jobs were krazy ?

I say they were just practical, especially going West while the Indians were on the " War Path " ! ! !

Now that's a good Idea, I am going to suggest that :)

Whats the bandage on his hand 4 ? did the NHS miss his stomach ???

Well , you get what you paid 4 :)

Its from his canular..think that's what its called

Oh; I have always wondered ! ! !

Will you have my " Love Child " ? ? ?

Happy Valentines @ little Ole You :)

/ hugz ;)

Happy valentines hunny :)

Is that a " Yes " :) ? ? ?

You stay strong 4 that wimp of a man of your's , I am thinking he is complaining of pain etc...

Just slap him & tell him 2 ' Manup' !!!

My thoughts & reproductive processes 2 U ;)

He had better man up, I can't keep playing Nurse for to long :)

Tell him 2 stop whining like a plane motor or u will c about finding him an extra paying job 2 make up for incidental costs assoc with his medial issues or just so you can buy more chocolate 4 yourself since it is Valentines Day :)

I didn't get anything for Valentine's day :( actually hate the day it does my head in lol bless him he can hardly move lol that's golf off for a while

truly is he a mad keen golfer ? U have 2 slap him out of that silliness now !!!

He loves his golf, sometimes I think he loves golf more than me

decades ago men used to be physically active. years of mobility protected the body especially the spine.

in todays modern world men (95%) of males no longer engage in regular physical exercise. Thus a sport like gold is very dangerous....

For an unfit poorly prepared adult to engage in a explosive sport like driving a gold ball, absolutely guarantees a major injury to the lower back...

Once you have a herniated disk you have recurring problems for life. Sure someone will tell you this is not reality, this is the same fool who subscribes to reality television, believes in the tooth fairy and honest politicians...

I do not care if your hubby gets catastrophic back injury, after all you are on the other side of the planet :)

But I would be remiss if I did not try and have people make positive life changes and 2 stop them from doing major stupid stuff . . .

I have advised you that sedentary people will ultimately injury themselves badly but doing explosive or power sports. Now you get to see how smart or silly your man really is LOL...

hugz ;)

Happy Valentines Day :)

He is very active gone from one sport to another is me that's sedentary and how dare tell me tooth fairies dont exist, you will be saying santa doesn't exist next 😲

[reply nested 6 deep, refer elsewhere...]

LOL why could I not have found a Harem of females with your IQ back in my dating days ??? :)

/hugz ;)

my IQ..... I am thick lol :)

This is good news, after so much waiting, now to despair and a good diet, I greet your husband and improve soon, thank you dear friend @ karenb54 for sharing

On the road to recovery now thankfully :)

I am so glad that he is home and resting. That wasn't too soon to be discharged? I am also very happy to hear they worked on his hernia too. And why not? They've already got him on the table! :) Hopefully you can both get some rest.

In and out the same day, aslong as your eating and peeing go home. We are going to miss his little piggy nose where is hernia was lol he's in pain but managed to get him into bed he's fallen straight to sleep bless him

So glad it's over and he's on the mend. That's got to be a relief for both of you. And the bonus hernia fix... nice surprise! I wonder if they would have done that if the last appointment had been kept - they were so pressed for time, they might not have opted to go the extra step. Just a thought...

Healing isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. Make sure he doesn't do to much too soon. Be careful, yourself to not overdo, too, okay?

Many positive thoughts headed your way!

Thank you :) Hes on about going back to Work in 2 weeks, I doubt that very much, I've told him to first about work we will manage we always do.

Yeah, they think they're supermen and heal twice as fast as everyone else.

My hubby thought the same thing after a total-freaking-hip replacement. My answer was to have him choose:

A) don't rush recovery and you'll heal on schedule OR
B) do rush recovery, have a set back or three & end up two weeks behind the original schedule.

He complained, but did the right thing in the long run. I bet yours will come to the same conclusion given a chance to think about it.

Slow and steady...

Mine rushed last time when his bowel ruptured he went back to work to early which caused his hernia this time he taking his time

Been there, done that. Yet my galbladder removal didn't go so well. I ended up spending 23 days in the hospital and nearly died a few times. Mostly due to nurses not listening. I had a very bad gal bladder. I was told had I not come in the night I did, I would have died the next day. Yet that wasn't what caused my problems.

I had leakage into my stomach cavity... I kept getting bigger and bigger. The nurses kept saying it was just gases from the surgery and to walk it off. They ignored me. When I started puking up bile they finally paniced, and started listening. I ended up with all kinds of drainage tubes from emergency surgery and spent quite a bit of time in ICU having some pretty serious halucinations. My middle daughter had hers taken out within a month of mine and her operation went smooth.

So I am glad your husband is doing better. Gal bladder pain is horrible. I lived with it for 13 years where they kept misdiagnosing it. My gal bladder was near gangrenous when I went in according to the surgeon.

I've had no stomach pains for the most part for years since that was done. Your husband will likely be much happier. Some food types may impact him differently, I lucked out in that I didn't really get any foods that I disagree with now.

Omg that was scary, I hope your over all that now. Hubbys gall bladder was infected and supposedly full of gall stones. He's in pain but that hopefully will start to get better over the next few days. He is introducing foods slowly to see if any of them cause problems. Its a hard slog


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