in #life6 years ago (edited)

Well what a day, woke up feeling like a bag of cr*p and stayed feeling that way all day. I spent most of my day in bed sleeping, i even cancelled my meditation class as really couldn't cope with the idea of getting showered and dressed. Luckly hubby is off on a weeks holiday so he looked after me.


I got up at 6pm for my tea as hadn't ate much all day plus thought it might wake me up. I am back in bed where i should have stayed. Just hope tomorrow is a better day.

One thing i am thankful for is my followers. I noticed i had hit the 3000 mark. Its a nice feeling that someone has clicked that follow button because they want to read more and they have enjoyed what you have wrote. Would be great if all 3000 voted then i would be better off and be able to spread the love more, you never know, it could happen. WISHFUL THINKING


Thank you to every single one of you, i appreciate you wanting to click that follow button, i appreciate you wanting to read more.

Now i am off to sleep as feel ill, in pain, tired and miserable but still thankful for my lovely surprise.
Hopefully see you tomorrow. Night night.
Love Karen ❤❤

Thank you son-of-satire


Congratulation on crossing 3K & hope you get better!

Sorry, you are not feeling well Karen. Did you get you a new bed this week? That would make resting a little easier.

No we didn't get round to it, now have to wait until hubby's next hollies :(

Oh, darn! I was hoping it would happen and you would be able to rest better...

So was i, It always happens when we plan something, I think I might just get a man in whilst hubby's at work to do the work, will save all the stress and waiting :)

Revert to your childhood.
Kids are rock bottom one minute and full of get up and go the next.
Take it easy for now, go mad tomorrow

Thank you. I had a rest still not 100% but a little better than yesterday. :)

Wait until you train the new bed, you will be unstoppable.

Oh I really hope you get back to feeling 100% soon!

Thank you I am feeling a little better today, still tired though :(

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