in #life6 years ago

We had plans to go out to the Metrocenter today, the plans were to meet my oldest daughter and her friend then go for something to eat then Nichola wanted to look for a new pair of jeans and i wanted to go look for a new laptop. When we worked it out it would mean leaving the dogs for quite a while and the idea of leaving Luna in the cage for that long worried me. I don't know whether it was the worry when my chest started to feel tight and breathing was difficult. It took a good hour with my inhalers to get things back to normal, never felt like that before.


Thanks Google

I have recently been given new medication, the medication Naproxen is in short supply, the Doctors decided to give me Ibuprofen instead. They advised me to take 3 x 400mg a day, i decided to start taking 2 x daily as Ibuprofen can cause problems if you have Asthma. The 2 x daily was OK, I had no problems then yesterday I decided to try the 3 x daily and today i have had problems. I can't say it was them but i am going back to 2 x daily then make an appointment at the Doctors to get checked.

Today's plans have had to be cancelled so no new jeans for Nichola and now i have to keep using this laptop that keeps turning itself off whilst i am busy. I should know better not to plan as something always happens to stop my plans.

We have a birthday at the end of the week, Luna is 1 on the 17th. My oldest daughter is bringing her 2 dogs over to have a party with out 3 pups. The cake and treats have been delivered today. I ordered the cake and treats from Ebay. They are made to order, the cake is peanut butter and carrot cake with a yummy carob topping. They put your pets name on for you.

Luna cake.jpg

The biscuits are all natural, fresh homemade peanut butter and banana biscuits. Each bag have approx 20 biscuits.


When they arrived Nichola brought the packages upstairs to me, the dogs could smell them straight away. I gave them a treat to see what they thought, it was gone within seconds and they were back for more. No more until the birthday, I have just ordered another bag as they were well liked.

I am looking forward to our puppy party on Sunday, cake and treats for the puppy with a few games of fetch and lots of tummy tickles. There will be photos taken.

Thank you @son-of-satire


Well it sounds like it's going to be one heck of a dog party @karenb54, the cake and biscuits look good no wonder they didn't want to wait.

Its gong to be a fun day lol

Get the slave to put the treats up in the attic, where the dogs can't get them.

I have put them away where they can't see them, really looking forward to the party :)

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