My 3 pups are bathed, more gardening done and my Bee & Butterfly corner is all lit up.

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Today was planned to be a lazy day but turned out quite the opposite, I did have a nice lie in as hubby was indoors all day so i didn't have to get up with the dogs. When i did eventually wake up i thought its time my dogs were showered. I don't have a bath, i bought a baby bath to put into the shower to make it easier to wash the dogs. It helped me give them a good wash but it needed 2 of us to get them out and dry them. I now have 3 nice clean lovely smelling pups.

I wanted to get a few more plants sorted before i stared to relax, i had a few Carrots and Beetroot that were outgrowing there eggshells.

More gardening.jpg

These need to be re - potted into biodegradable pots then sit on the window sill until they were strong enough to go outside. This left me with more space on my upstairs window sill BUT found i had ran out of egg shells.

More gardening. 2.jpg

I was going to fill the egg boxes but find these don't give the plant much room to grow, I did have a 12 pot seedling tray so planted another 12 Hollyhocks, you can never have enough flowers. These 12 will fill a good sized pot alongside my Bee & Butterfly corner.

I have also bought more lights for my Corner, i intend to sit out there when the evenings get warmer. I think it brightens the homes up. Hopefully a Bee or 2 see the lights :)


I might get a few hanging lights and place them along the washing line for when i sit out there, I have so many plans just got to find the energy to do them.

Tomorrows plans are to start tidying up the pots hubby's mum gave me. Hopefully it stay nice or tomorrow.

Thank you @son-of-satire


That corner is looking lovely!

Thank you. Lovely to see you back on here :)

you're a pro,👍 👍 i've tried to get some seeds going lately but it hasn't been going exactly as planned 😂 😂 🙈

I'm still a learner. Keep trying you will soon see results :)

Karen is getting it done :-)

Slowly but surely :)

I love that corner the new lights really are perfect

I love it. I want to be a bee and see what its like living there Haha :)

LOL the bees will love it there

I hope so :)

I have no doubt :)

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