in #life6 years ago

It half 11 at night, I'm lying in bed listening to hubby snore, Luna make a funny slapping noise with her tongue, Mika snoring, thankfully Geordie is being quiet. Its a very noisy night.

I have found since starting this diet i find it really hard to sleep on a night when I've been fasting. I'm not hungry so haven't a clue why. Maybe I'm more alert with not eating very much. Tonight is going to be a long one.


While I'm lying here i started to think about what could motivate me to carry on with this plan. So i got thinking about all the things i am enjoying now I'm 46lbs lighter.

Here goes:
I'm enjoying:

Wearing nicer clothes
Not feeling bloated
Not feeling sluggish
Not out of breathe as much
Having more room in my shower cubicle
A bath towel now wraps around me
Needing smaller cuter knickers
Same with my bra's
Looking better
Feeling better
People noticing
Not hating looking in a mirror
My daughter's getting closer to me for a cuddle

That's just for starters, carrying on means all of these will continue and get better and my list will probably treble in size.


How will i feel with another 46lb loss, i will be at my goal then. I will look a completely different person with a new outlook on life. It is going to cost me a fortune for a new wardrobe as i will need everything. CAN'T WAIT.

Thank you son-of-satire


keep filling out those surveys for more dress money, you are going to need it.
Have you noticed any decrease in your pains?, the weight loss should help with that, if so, you will be unstoppable.

I think hubby should buy me all my new clothes hehe he doesn't know yet :)

That's why wives have husbands, to pay the bills, they are too busy working in the snow to get the money so you can spend it.
We will expect a full fashion shoot when you have all these new clothes of course.

I will gladly do one lol can't wait to spend his money haha :)

You will have days where everything is not easy. But think about how good you feel losing weight. I know what it feels like ... I've always had some overweight... Cheer dear Karen you're so strong! I wish you a good night💕😘

Thank you :D.
I do fell a lot better now I've lost a good amount and can see me reaching target. :)

That is so good dear Karen.

Thank you :)

It is a wonderful achievement, but do not lie awake and think I find that so hard.
I think of beautiful things in life and within minutes I fall asleep. Normally I try to talk to God and ask him to help me and all I love. I have found that is an excellent way. Hope you loose as much weight as you want and get lots of help. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

Thank you so much for visiting. I find it hard to sleep as the pain keeps me awake. I will have to go back to my meditating as that did help just got out of a routine :)

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