Its raining again, please send life boats and jackets as the UK is drowning. 🌧🌧

in #life5 years ago (edited)

My back garden has a few planters that are growing really well, i have placed a lot of Perennial plants out there to keep my garden flowering every year. 2 months ago i bought 2 planters, a Bicycle and a Wheelbarrow. I used hanging basket seeds, hoping to see a lovely amount of flowers.

2 months ago.jpg

Since putting these outside all we have had is rain, my plants have grown but with all the rain they have grown in height but no flowers until today. I looked outside to check the weather when i saw this little flower, there is a lot of greenery hopefully with a few more buds.

Flowers at last.jpg

I am making notes in my gardening journal for next year, i won't be using these seeds again as i am not impressed with how they have grown not just in these pots, i had a few pots growing in my side garden that grew like weeds, they got out of hand and started to look messy. I am going to research flowers for next year as have a look in mind that i want to achieve next year as i am certainly not going to see it happen this year with all the rain we are having.

I am glad i got my decking done this year as with all the rain the weeds would have got out of control, at least it still looks good even though i am starting to get a puddle on top.

Rain again.jpg

Thankfully my Perennials are surviving the rain, the only positive is that its saved me from having to water them. I have so many things that need doing, the shed needs to be emptied, taken down then skipped. We then need a new garden box that will take up less space but be able to store all my garden pots etc over winter. I have shelves that need varnishing then attached to the wall. The jobs are stacking up but the rain is not letting up. We are going to need a few sunny days to dry everything out.

Thank you @son-of-satire


Sorry, cant help with the good weather at the moment, being mid winter we are in the rain as well. The rain should help with the heat waves we hear the UK is having, cool things down a bit.

Heatwaves hahahahahaha PMSL... We have had 2 days of heat the rest has been rain, the whole country is experiencing flooding.

You must be in a different UK that we have on our news.+40o C, parks with sprinklers set up I think for wet t shirts competitions, wadeing in all the fountains. Etc
You should move to that UK and enjoy the heat.

What a load of tosh, we may have had the odd...very odd day of sunshine but mostly rain rain rain

I can just imagine the huge smile on your face when you saw that first flower on those planets, and its good the perrenials are surviving the rain

Its been pouring down again today, they keep telling us there is a heatwave on its way hahaha think its missed us :)

Its been nice and cool the last couple of mornings I would be happy if it stays like this

Don't you want some rain, we have plenty, i don't mind sharing :)

thats so kind of you and I think you already sent it we have it in the forecast for the next few days

The UK needs a few dry weeks to dry out. So much water lol

Yes my wifes niece said the same thing when talking to my wife the other day

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