Its been hard work but worth it, My Garden is ready for 2020 Summer ☀💐🌸🌺 😁😁

in #life4 years ago

Mother Nature hasn't let me down today, we have a lovely sunny day, there is a cooling wind which me hubby are thankful for. Today is clean up day, the day i get my garden ready for the flowers, lots of brushing, moving and lifting.

Hubby wanted to watch golf on the TV until 1pm then i was up and ready to get stuck in. There was quite a bit needing moving and a lot of things that needed to go in the rubbish. We gave a few things to neighbours who had asked if they could have them, saves us having to pay to get taken to skip. So many green garden bags full of leaves, old plants & weeds. I had to keep sitting down as everything started hurting, hubby battled on getting loads done.

I now have a working area where i can sit down to do my pots, i have my tools hanging on the fence, and the greenhouse behind me.


As you can see my 2 pups had to be in the photo, there both checking out my new work area. I have everything to hand so have less walking to do. Having my tools hanging up is a massive help as i am always losing them now they have there own hook i will make sure they go back there.

Right behind me is my green house, i can sit plant seeds the turn around to add them to the greenhouse, making my gardening so much easier.


The green house sits in between my Sunflowers & 10ft Hollyhocks and White Roses. Once the Sunflowers & Hollyhocks grow they will grow up each side of the Green house.

Then the other end of my garden where The Fairy Garden is and Bee & Butterfly section are, this is tidied up with the pots sitting waiting for seeds once they are strong enough.

Clean up.jpg

I a going to move few more pots in my back garden where i have had decked, this will give me room to spread my flowers out plus giving us some room to sit and enjoy the garden and weather. There are a few more garden decorations i want, more lights for the fence and a few more wall decorations.

Tomorrow weather permitting i will be potting out a few of my seedlings making room for more seeds to be potted. Most of my flowers are all Bee friendly, they will all be placed under and around the Bee section. They will have so much choice once all my seedlings are ready. I have seen quite a few Bee's working n my Rose Bush and Lavender patch.

I am buzzing and really happy that my garden is done, i didn't think it was going to get done with my health problems and hubby;s hernia problems, i was tempted to give up half way through but hubby pushed us both and now its done and i am smiling and sore.


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