In a right bad mood now. Having a rant.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

So bldy angry waiting for plumber to come to service the boiler. No big deal I know but this man argghhh Hubby knows him from golf so we got him to put a new boiler in a few years ago as ours had broken down, if we service through him we are guaranteed a 7 year warranty which is brilliant compared to the normal 2.

I told Glen to book him when he's home as I don't want to deal with him, I can't stand the bloody man he's the biggest know it all, arrogant piece of poop you could ever meet. Glen made the phone call quickly agreed to a time then hung up. Friday morning first thing when hubby was no where is sight and he's left to me. Its now 10.15 and he's still not here.

He makes me feel uncomfortable, whatever he says he's always right, he will ignore you if you say something and only talk when he wants to. I usually leave him in the kitchen by himself then he shouts when he is finished.

I am sitting here in agony waiting for him to pull up as last year he lied saying he had come when he hadn't. I have now got Glen to phone him to check if he's still coming as the piece of crap won't tell you he will just keep you waiting.

Can't wait for the 7 years to be up then I can get a human being to service it for me. He was lovely when we were paying 2 grand for the boiler. Just been told 20 minutes as he had to run a message. Why couldn't he phone and let us know


Thank you son-of-satire

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sounds like you need a new plumber! warranty is awesome but not for that stress it brings with it is it? i dunno:)

Thankfully Hes usually only here around an hour, next year I will make sure Glens here to deal with him

Bloody piece o' poop!

Apparently they are all the same, I thought they were the only Argentines, I am very sorry for what happened dear friend @ karenb54,

Thank you :) Its sorted now for another year

That's tradesmen for you.
Most of the ones we have had to deal with have been ok. but the turning up on time thing is universal.
I feel like saying "I'll pay the bill sometime in 2018". And then not pay it until 2020. ;-)

I was lucky today from was in a good mood when he eventually got here was the nicest he has ever been abs have me a mates discount haha

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