I'm feeling pretty hot ;)

in #life8 years ago

I am starting to go through the Menopause, the first symptom I am getting is hot flushes, I never expected these to be as bad. One minute I can be sitting feeling all right the next I am soaked, the back of my neck and hairline are soaked, I am sitting in a little top with no heating on with my little toy I got off my daughter. I did have long hair which I was over the moon with as my hair has never grown long before, it usually got to my shoulders then got thicker, this time it got past my shoulders, so I could do a lot more with it, Since the hot flashes started my hair in now short at the back with a little length at the front.

At first I had to go hunting for batteries, wish they would supply the 1st lot luckily I have a few in as there not lasting very long. Its definitely cooling me down and stopping me feeling so bad.

The menopause is a stage women go through when there reproductive organs stop working. There hormones are changing which can cause a lot of these symptoms. The ones in Bold are the ones I am starting to go through.

Hot Flashes
Night Sweats
Irregular Periods
Loss of Libido
Vaginal Dryness
Mood Swing

Fatigue I'm always tired, so no change there
Hair Loss
Sleep Disorders
Difficulty Concentrating
Memory Lapses
Weight Gain
Brittle Nails
Changes in Odor
Irregular Heartbeat
Depression Been depressed for years so don't know what to expect with this now.
Panic Disorder
Breast Pain
Joint Pain
Burning Tongue
Electric Shocks
Digestive Problems
Gum Problems
Muscle Tension
Itchy Skin
Tingling Extremities

You never think its going to happen then all of a sudden your there feeling old hot sweaty and miserable, hubby has noticed the mood swings, one minute I am happy the next I am down. I made an extra effort on Christmas day, washed my hair and styled it, spent ages so it would lie right, then an hour later the ends of my hair were little ringlets , all my hard work gone. I am busy debating with myself whether to ride it out but the time scale can vary between women so mine might go on for 2 years or 5 so do I go see the Doctor about HRT Hormone Replacement Tablets that help top up my oestrogen and progesterone. I take loads of medication for my Osteoarthritis and Chronic Pain do I really want to add more to my body, suppose its something I need to talk through with a Doctor.

If anyone has any tips and advice I would love to hear them.


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I like how you put that-'the menopause' haha! It should be called that, it is definitely a one of a kind force, for me it's 'the pms' or really the menstral cramps since mine are sometimes torture. One tip I can give you is from my mom who swore by progesterone cream. I know you can get it at GNC, I'm sure there are other places. I believe she applied it under her arms? Possibly the crooks of the elbows too. She was really suffering until she discovered it. Also lots of vitamin E. Hope that helps, good luck!

I am willing to try anything its driving me mad... I'm coming back as a man lol

Many prostate cancer patients also experience years (over a decade in my case) of hot flashes because of the Androgen Receptor Antagonists prescribed to keep them alive. These men often express great sympathy for women going thru menopause. Happy Boxing Day!

Bless you its horrible. All the best to you for 2017 :)

@karenb54, this is no joke. My mom had some serious hot flashes. Kick ass and my prayers are with you.

Its def not a joke I have never experienced anything like it. What's annoying is its my body but i can't control it lol Thank you

The good new is this stuff doesn't last forever - it only seems like it does.

I stayed away from the HRT, but that's just me distrusting big pharma. In my research for more natural assistance, I landed on Soy for precisely the reasons you describe. I ended up taking a soy caplet plus vitamin D combo. It took a while to kick in - about 2 weeks for me - but it definitely helped reduce the intensity and frequency of the hot flashes. It didn't eliminate them, but it was more bearable. In the meantime, a wet cloth wrapped around a bag of ice will do wonders when pressed against the side of your neck (the big blood vessels) in bringing your temp down quickly.

I didn't fight the mood swings, honestly. After this many years of biting my tongue, it was the perfect excuse to cut loose a little. Felt good, to be honest. Shhhhh, don't tell my husband...

Think hubby is used to my mood swings lol I take Vitamin D as i'm deficient. Its good to be truthful lol

After 30 years together, we allow each other the gift of ignorance once in a while. It saves wear and tear on the nerves. I'm sure he knows I used the change as an excuse. He also knows I'll never admit it. Lol! Smart hubby & is how we made this long.

Oh, and the vitamin D helps the body absorb the soy. You have a head start.

We've been together around 30 years too, hubby knows me so well and knows never to argue with me, I admit I am very stubborn lol the thing I have mellowed but still like to get my way :)

ROFL, well there is a rare animal, a stubborn female; who would have thought there were any left. Experts had estimated that stubborn females were either extinct or at least so rare as to be endangered . . .

Shows what prats experts really are, they just never thought to look EVERYWHERE to actually find out how many stubborn females really are around :)

My Blonde is not merely stubborn she is also HM ;)

I think most women just remove the batteries from one "personal" 'device' and insert those batteries into their hot flashes fan ;)

I hope you mean there remote controls lol

I am not sure these personal devices are something that usually "come" with a remote control...

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