I am so glad today is over. now just got to sit and wait for that dreaded letter.

in #life6 years ago

I wrote this post the other day about my visit to the Department of Works and Pensions about my disability.



Every one I have been to has been like being assessed by someone who doesn't care about you or our problems. They look down there nose at you and make you feel guilty for being able to do things.

Today I had another assessment as they think I am going to get better and not tell them,
Really, who would pretend to be disabled


When we arrived it was the usual stuff, fill in a form them sit and wait for your name to be called, and again they are running behind. 45 minutes later my name was called. Usually they make you walk down a very long corridor, hoping to catch you out. A few steps down the corridor my knee went, I screamed as the pain was terrible, she them moved me into a room I was standing beside and we worked from there. She was really caring, asking me questions about my daily routine, and how I manage. I asked her if she was going to ask the question I was asked last time * why haven't you killed yourself* she was shocked and apologised for what he had said.

She was understanding and very helpful, she knew about my problems and listened to me. I felt as if this time i was being assessed properly. I now have to wait for the letter dropping through my letter box before I relax.


Thank you @son-of-satire


In the letter will be a discount voucher for your local gun shop.
Gun and 1 bullet for free, a 2 nd bullet at half price, 3 rd and the rest at full price.
Did they ask the height of your ceiling? So they know how much rope to supply?.
It might be a map of all the blind corners where you can get into the middle of the road unseen.( in a high speed traffic area.
Or she may have taken pity on you and doubled your pention. You hope.
In between times, a blog a day keeps the boredom away.

I can't think off anything to write about, my mojo has gone, it's left me with a empty brain (say nowt) I'm mojoless, think my steemit days are numbered...i heard you cheer

Who me??, no way.
Then I would have nobody to annoy.
When you do the lavender, watch out for the size it will grow, some grow quite tall, others are like me and spread out.
Something to think on in your planning, as a silly suggestion.

Can you split the Lavender, or i could repot it until a bigger pot. Something to think about.
You would miss my crap posts if i went, you would have no one to pick on haha 😜

The ones the boss has will grow from cuttings in water, wiat for the root to show, plant into a small pot, transplant to a bigger pot as they grow.
The bigger ones I have sectioned with a spade into smaller bits, they grew.
A real gardener will now say I did it wrong.

I'm give out a go and grow my own Lavender to fil my Bee corner :)

You will have a good selection, both colour of flowers, and shape and size and colour of the plants, I dont know how they will stand the cold,/ snow, they may need cover in the winter.

I bought that cloth you told me about for winter so I'll use that. fingers crossed :)

I hope it doesn't take too long for the letter to come. I am disabled, too, so I do understand.

Thank you, I am just glad today is over :)

I hope it doesn't take too long. Perhaps it was a fortunate accident to have your knee go out in the hall. I am sorry you needed to suffer but now maybe they will stop this nonsense. You have been on disability long enough for them to realise that you are not going to have a miraculous cure, although if you could, I would wish that for you. No one signs up to be disabled.

I wish I could go to work, I used to be manager of a health shop, I had a good carreer, i would love to be cured, this is not living :(

We all make the best of what we have, Karen. It is that we can do. Live your life to the fullest and best that you can. You are doing better in that department. You now have a beautiful garden that you can enjoy and visitors to keep you company.

Its all I can do hun, not going to let them get to me :)

Don't you dare let them get to you! Or they will have to answer to a lot of your friends!

I'll take you the next time i go lol :)

You are on! LOL

It is so hard these days to find people to actually listen to us and what we are dealing with and actually care and try to help, so I'm glad you found someone that could help you and wish you all the best @karenb54

Some people believe what they are told, they don't think it could happen to them either, Thank you the same to you :)

Dios quiera y te resuelvan tu problema amigo , yo también estoy en el proceso de incapacitación porque tengo 3 hernias en la columna, pero aquí en Venezuela es un desastre el seguro social que es el ente encargado para dar las incapacitacion.te deseo suerte y que tenga una buen noche amigo.

I'm so glad we don't have to go through this here. Mind you, my wife gets nothing from the government, so they probably don't care any more.

It does make a difference when you get someone good though doesn't it?

I was a wreck before going to the assessment because they make you feel guilty for being disabled. This lady was lovely she really cared:)

That's something you need to change. Stop feeling guilty. Shit happened and you got hurt.

You didn't kill a small child doing it, you buggered your knee.

Their job is to assess your needs and to do what they usefully can to meet them. Your job is to get on with life as best you can.

So next time, don't go in feeling afraid or powerless. Next time go in cheerfully and thank them for their help and tell them things are getting better.

Tell them all about Steemit and your garden and the new puppy. Show them that your disability does not mean you are brain dead or happy to sit and smoke all day watching soap operas.

You are working hard on yourself all the time, striving for improvement.

The knee has yet to get the memo, but when it does you'll be chasing the boys across the green again in no time. And with the continued help and support of social services, you're sure this will happen sooner rather than later.

These assessors get to deal with miserable people all day. Be a bright ray of sunshine for them, and for yourself. Don't let them spoil your day.

Because it's your day. It's summertime - a time to enjoy life. :-)

Unlike here where it is winter time - a time to sit inside and wait for my knee to get the memo that it is time to heal. ;-)

That's my problem i do feel guilty for being useless, with our government if you show you are on the mend they will get you into work whether your fit it not. They don't care if your suffering. There all a bunch of idiots who are heartless

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