Had a doctors appointment to day, Asthma and a Flu Jab.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have had a Doctors appointment, I have Asthma so had my yearly assessment plus was having my flu injection. At the minute I use a blue and brown inhaler but have started to wheeze a little plus hubby has noticed it too so we are on a new inhaler that opens your airways longer as the brown only opens it for a couple of hours.I am hoping this works better and gives me a bit more energy as need to do more to get my heart moving and lose some weight. Its hard to be active when your in pain and out of breathe.

I have also be given a spacer as it helps fill the lower part of your lungs. I have to try this pink one for a month, if I feel worse whilst taking it to go back straight away as we will have to try something else. It was getting hard to get up the stairs, I was out of breathe and needed to sit down and rest, I have never had to do this.


I am ahead if myself getting my flu injection as I usually put it off to the last minute, Think I am one of the first ones to get it as a nurse popped her head around the door talking to my nurse See you on Monday for the start of the Flu Jab Rush

Fingers crossed it doesn't make me ill as it usually does.

Thank you @son-of-satire


Keep away from dust and get well soon, the person suffering from this shit can only know how painful it is.

It can be, hopefully the pink one will help :)

Your thinking level better then others.

Ohhh, I hate the doctor!

What does the spacer do?

It keeps the solution in one place so you don't lose any :)

Oh the pink one is awesome!! I dont get wheezy ever these days. I used to have it bad

I am glad it helps, I hope it does the same for me :)

It will! Have faith!

I hope so, fingers crossed :)

I too have asthma. Not a pleasant thing to have. But because of that and the fact I am diabetic, I always get the flu jab. I don't know which is worst, the jab or feeling ill after. It just sucks...

I like it when the nurse says just a little scratch when she's giving you the needle nah it feels like your sticking a sharp object into my arm lol

I had a work mate with this problem, the weather changes affected a lot, even the pollen of the trees, it was terrible.
I am very sorry for the situation you are living. Hopefully the pink inhaler works better.
Take care and improve yourself soon. dear friend @ karenb54

I think a lot of it has to do with my weight. I am trying to lose some but the medication I take doesn't help me much

The last time I got a flu shot I got the flu...badly... a week later. Never again! I'll take my chances. Sorry you had to be a pin cushion though. Hope you're staying healthy and enjoying your baths :)

I was the same I suffered after them but now they seem to work, try them again :)

Unfortunately, autumn always exacerbates health problems. Take care of yourself!

I am thank you, :)

Oh, I'm so sorry about it :( I used to have breathe problems every spring earlier so I understand you so well:(

Its not good and very annoying

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