Catching up with my garden and listing on Ebay, a nice relaxing day.

in #life5 years ago (edited)

I have had a lovely lazy Sunday, had a nice lie in waking up smelling dinner cooking in the slow cooker. I took my time getting up then got started listing on Ebay again, we have a load of stamps to sell so me and Nick sat on the bed sorting them out and listing them.

That job out of the way i then went out into the garden, haven't been out there for the last few days so had a little bit of tidying up and watering. My Roses needed tidying up with cutting a few dead heads off then sort the Sunflowers out. There's was a few dead heads that needed to be put away to dry out as i want to save the seeds for next year.


They are tucked away and covered up until i find somewhere for them to dry out without rotting.


I have 4 Rose bushes, all doing really well and filling out with beautiful Roses. They have been tidied up and watered. Not sure how long they will keep flowing for as the weather is getting cold, well cold for hubby but with my hot flushes its lovely.

I have:









I then moved onto my fruit trees,


I have had a few delicious Raspberries over the Summer, nothing from my Blueberry Bush but can see i have a little bunch of Blackberries ripening.


I don't think i will get many more with the weather changing but still lovely to see my tree is providing fruit, hopefully next year all three of them will be blooming.

Its been a lovely day, its now time for bed. Hope you have all had a good weekend.

Thank you @son-of-satire


You've become a real gardener! I remember when you started out a couple years ago, hesitant. Now look at how beautiful everything is and all the wonderful things you've grown. :D :D

Thank you, Can you believe this is my 3rd year, Its getting easier each year i try :)

Nice to see your garden doing well.

I hope you have a mild winter so it can really kick off well next spring.

We are starting to get buds on trees here now, but winter has decided to stick around for another month or so. We will probably not get much of a spring this year, but hopefully we'll still get a summer ;-)

We have had a really bad Summer, so much rain, nothing grew the way it should have. I think we are supposedly going to be getting another beast from the east this Winter :(

You have put a lot of love and effort into your garden, it may not have done as well as you would have liked this year but the work will pay off coming into next year

I have learned a little more this year so not a total waste of time :)

Yes thats what I was trying to say LOL what you learned this year will help you next year :)

It will as i have everything wrote down or else i will forget it all :)

I to aam one who makes a lot of notes about things these days, I do mine mostly on google document sor spreadsheets so I always have them handy :)

I know i wouldn't get through the day without a list or 3 Haha :)

Glad it snot just me :)

I can't stop being marveled of how wonderful gardener you are! I managed to grow only one plant, I have a huge... Well, medium size monstera. All other plants went away:(

Thank you, I have learned so much over the years, its been hard work but its paying off slowly :)

Glad your day went well. Lovely flowers :-)

Thank you :)

I love everything in your garden, all the flowers are so beautiful

Thank you ❤
How's things with you?

Carrying one day at a time. I'm selling cookies at home, it's not so much but it helps with something. And how is everything with you?

That's good. A little is better than nothing. Keep going.
Im OK :)

That's how my mom always says that every penny counts. And I am sure that better times will come!❤

We have to keep hoping :)

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