Bad weather stops plans for more gardening. ☔ So had a TV day instead.

in #life4 years ago

I went to bed last night feeling good after a good birthday i had plans to have another good day in the garden but woke up to dark clouds and rain. So much for the heatwave that was promised, I must have blinked and missed it. My plans can wait until better weather. The best way to get through a cold wet day is to stay in, stay warm and watch Films. So that's what we did.

I was still hurting from the gardening i did yesterday, round 2 can wait a day or 2 whilst my body eases plus it will give my Round 1 planting a good start. I went through my to do list crossing off everything i did yesterday, i just about ticked off everything, i added a few more to the list as i have a tendency to forget things.

Hubby was cleaning his fishtanks whilst i watched TV. Before he started on his little tank he always checks it over to make sure all the fish are alive and not hanging around the top just incase they jump out when he noticed his little frog, it was lying flat against the filter, looked like it was squashed at first until it moved his leg, think he was asleep and hubby woke him or he was going to jump out, thankfully hubby managed to get him out of the way.


We had arranged an afternoon of watching this comedy series again, it always has us in hysterics which is what we all need. After that Nichola went to spend sometime with her bird whilst me and hubby watched more TV whilst i played my Sunday night Bingo. Nichola is a big Marvel fan, she wanted to watch The Avengers End Game Again she must have watched it around 10 times already whereas i have sat through 1 showing whilst doing other things. I decided to watch it with her on the laptop lying on my bed.


Well that was a long 3 hours, she knows everything about them as she has followed the film's for years, I had to keep asking "Who is he/she, Why did they do that" I can never remember who is who, i watch a film then half an hour later i have forgot there names.

Its now midnight and its still raining so looks like tomorrow maybe another bad day. I can't moan as we have had quite a few dry days this year compared to last year. Still feeling positive.


It is also cloudy here in my place too but it is hot but not quite enough like the past days.
I also cannot find myself watching movies, I kind of lost interest of watching movies unlike when I was still younger. @karenb54

Soon you will be able to garden again :D

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