Another trip the Vets with Luna, Luna wasn't happy.

in #life6 years ago

I have had a quiet day today as had a bad night with our pup Luna. She was up through the night being sick again. Her check up is today.

We had Luna at the Vets 7 days ago, here is the link I posted last week:

After last weeks appointment Luna was given Antibiotics and Anti sickness medicine plus a diet of plain foods, Chicken & Rice, Tuna & Pasta. We thought she was getting better as wasn't being sick plus eating all her meals, that was until last night when she was sick quite a lot. They did say if it carry's on the next move would be blood tests.

She was back there today with a water sample that they had asked for, last night i took Luna out on her Lead whilst hubby followed here every where she went with a scoop to catch the urine sample, she was puzzled what we were doing. Hubby got her 1st time and thankfully her waters came back all clear.

Today she was back this time needing a blood test, they shaved her leg before taking the blood. Luna was not happy she ended up on hubby's shoulder. They are phoning us tomorrow with the Blood test results. If her bloods don't help us find out whats going on the next step is Food Intolerance tests that would cost £400. Thankfully she is insured.

Luna came home looking all sorry for herself with her poorly leg.

Luna's vet visit.jpg

Luna's Vets Visit..jpg

She has come home with more Anti -Sickness tablets, we will find out what will be happening next tomorrow when the Vets phone us with the test results.

Thank you @son-of-satire


If only they could talk, how much easier it would be, and easier to fix.

Wouldn't it, would make our life's easier.

Poor baby. Hope she is well again soon.

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Thank you :)

Poor sweetie 😘😘😘

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Thank you :)

Hi dear awfull when the furries are sick, hope soon it Will change

Thank you, :)

Ohh Poor Luna, I hope the blood tests come back good or show somehting easily treatable may be even better

Thank you. We need her to get better :)

Fingers crossed and sending positive thought and energy her way

Thank you :)

Most welcome :)

Hang in there Luna mommy and Daddy are going to help you....

Thank you :)

Poor puppy, it's not nice when children an animals are unwell, hope the vets are able to pin point what is wrong with her.

Its not, they do worry us. Thankfully her results have come back all clear apart from an enzyme that is missing in her stomach that helps digest her food, we have to be strict with what we give her, the enzyme will grow as she eats more :)

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