A semi-colon tattoo has so much to say about a person!!!!!!!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

As most off you know I suffer with depression, I have suffered with the black dog for years, my family know all about it as its most important to have a support network around you,

I got my 1st tattoo for my 50th birthday its a semi colon on my thumb, its there to remind me my story isn't over, there's more to come.

This comes from what the semi colon is used for.

“A semicolon is used when an author could’ve chosen to end their sentence, but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.”

This has a lot of meaning for me, I have completed and survived the first few chapters now I am on to my future chapter's, Its up to me how good they are

Thank you son-of-satire


That's a beautiful reminder! I almost want to get one as well, so that it can be a reminder to everyone that sees it, that the story goes on. I may not deal with depression, but I want everyone who does to know that they have people out there to support them! Thanks for sharing Karen!

Your welcome, my tattoi makes me think more about my future now :)

That's good. My brother has struggled with depression and I always know when he is in a good place when he starts talking about his goals and things he wants to do in the future. Viceversa when he is down. It's good to have goals and something to look forward to!

Its also good too have support, Thank you for being aware :)

Beautiful post! never end anything when you can choose to keep pushing forward! thank you for the post!

You're welcome! I love it when I see personal experience turned into art, so this was especially inspiring today!

Thank you, I appreciate your message :)

We all go through struggles in our lives but I am always inspired when I see those who have overcome their challenges and made it to the mountain top! I appreciate your post and I want to encourage and remind you that even though you may go through some valleys, that the mountain top might just be closer than you think! Have a great day, my friend! @karenb

Thank you that does mean alot :)

You're very welcome!

I do love the idea behind this,( I'd get one myself if it wasn't for the whole needle thing).

You can get numbing cream, my hubby uses it he says he wouldn't get a tattoo without it now :)

that's a very powerful tattoo for being so small :) Thank you for sharing

Thank you, my one and only tattoo, I'm so glad I got it :)

It's very meaningful and you wear it well :)

Thank you very much :D

as well as your family, you have your Steemit family here for you as well!

I totally agree, The STEEMIT community is the best :)

I never got one and i probably wont but yours is cool :)

Beautiful meaning behind the tattoo

You're story is definitely not over friend! I begins every day, just how your garden grows so do you. I wish you a great day filled with nothing less than positivity!

Thank you very much dear friend @ karenb54 for sharing this story with us

Thank you :)

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