A good memory from 1969, I obviously have no taste in music. (Video included)

in #life7 years ago

There's not much I remember about my childhood, I do have a couple of memories some good alot bad. There's 1 memory that does stand out and that is a song I used to love when I was little.

It reached number 1 here in 1969 meaning I was only 4 so this memory goes back a long time. I have searched for the song for a long time, started to think I had imagined it but thankfully after a lot of searches I FOUND IT Now its not to everyone's taste as its pretty bad but then again it did reach number 1 so maybe my taste isn't that bad.

OK...you ready. REMEMBER I WAS ONLY 4

Now its on the blockchain forever lol SORRY

Thank you son-of-satire


Nice Post...

Hahaha! I remember that too. Gosh, it was worse than I remembered, but still fun to hear it again after all these years.

I add lots of oldies from back then onto my random playlist, but I think I'll leave that one off.

Here's another one from the same year for you.

Oh dear things were bad back then lol.

Funny what impresses us as kids, isn't it? :D



My girls were laughing at it, so very bad lol

No comment on the grounds that I might incriminate myself.

You Love it really ;)

wow .. i really like that

Its cheesy lol

I totally love it! Maybe I should have been born then eh?

Lol I loved it :)

So. I graduated from High School in '69. By then I was a big fan of the Rolling Stones and the Doors...

But when I was your age I had a favorite song. This one:

Feel free to laugh.

This is a good song :)

OMG even I remember that one.

I thought it was a lot better when I was a kid though.

Thankfully things got better in the 70s. and then of course the 80s happened, and music has gone downhill ever since ;-)

I agree I thought the song was better than that, was shocked how bad it was lol
As you say things def got better :)