
Every mistake in our lives live on with us. What I'm trying to say is that every experience (mistake) has a toll on us but differs in magnitude depending on the kind of mistakes they are. The serious ones you'd notice, because it doesn't just go, no mistake just goes. You'd have to let it go. The consequences are going to keep coming. The best thing to do is accept the consequences of your actions, that'll be a starting point, but it'll really help to not really try to overthink the situation and just forget the incident, then you're less likely to have more regrets than you'd want.

Hey You hve a good frie3nd in @kwakumax for making the post to ;et us know about your stolen account

@tytran showed me and we both upvoted all your recent posts, so now you should be able to have more than 3 SP come into your account to make up for the lost SP in the old ice queen account, and you should get some SBD as well, maybe not 8 but at least a couple and you will be able to keep posting and in 7 days I bet youll have MORE than what you lost now, since I just gave you a several dollars worth of upvotes with @tytran :D

What more should I say??? Omg.. thank you I'm just lost for words. The love is much .Thank you soo much.
I'm making a post too..

Hey I powered you up 1 Sp and am doing a post about yyou in the morning in like 10 hours :D gnite and see you tomorrow on my discord

Thank you soo much sir
... I'll join you in the discord channel tonight

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