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RE: Does hard work pay off in the end

in #life6 years ago
Hola a todos, en esta oportunidad mi aporte es para dar mi humilde opinión al respecto:
Considero que todo ESFUERZO tiene su RECOMPENSA.

Sin embargo, recomiendo antetodo que:
  • Lo primero y mas importante es conocer nuestras habilidades y destrezas.
  • Luego de conocer y reconocer nuestras fortalezas, debemos:
  • Explorar nuestros gustos.
  • No podemos andar por el mundo haciendo cosas solo por obligación, ya que:
  • No hay cosa mas desagradable para un empleado que trabajar por un sueldo haciendo algo que no le gusta.
  • Si ya conocemos nuestras fortalezas y gustos, debemos en adelante:
  • Explotar dichas habilidades en un empleo que nos guste, que nos llene y que veamos como una oportunidad para seguir aprendiendo y mejor aun que "nos paguen por eso".
  • De esa manera haremos "algo" que aunque necesite mucho esfuerzo, si amamos esa profesión, arte y/o disciplina no lo veremos como un trabajo aunque nos paguen por realizarlo.
    Hello everyone, on this occasion my contribution is to give my humble opinion on this matter:
    I consider that every EFFORT has its REWARD.

    However, I recommend first of all that: The first and most important thing is to know our skills and abilities. After knowing and recognizing our strengths, we must:
  • Explore our tastes.
  • We can't go around the world doing things just out of obligation, because: There's nothing more unpleasant for an employee than to work for a salary doing something they don't like. If we already know our strengths and tastes, we should from now on:
  • Exploit these skills in a job that we like, that fills us up and that we see as an opportunity to continue learning and even better that "we are paid for it".
  • In that way we will do "something" that even though it needs a lot of effort, if we love that profession, art and/or discipline we will not see it as a job even if we are paid to do it.

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