Let me leave you with this thought

in #life6 years ago


Let me leave you with this thought.

It hurts him. It is not something he is used to, being disliked, and being disliked moreover on no grounds. Well, if she dislikes him he dislikes her too. And this woman is beautiful, no doubt about that, She is beautiful yet she repels him. What if at the end of the year Is it wise to be giving their boy - any boy, indeed any girl - into her hands? Tell me what's emotion… and what's like… both words what do they mean? The grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. You will want to move out and establish a home of your own. Let me leave you with this thought.

यसले उसलाई दुख्छ। यो कुनै चीज छैन जुन, नमनपराउने, र कुनै आधारमा थप मनपरेको छैन। खैर, यदि उसले उसलाई नमनपराउँछ उसले उसलाई पनि नमनपराउँछ। र यो महिला सुन्दर छ, यसको बारेमा कुनै शंका छैन, त्यो सुन्दर छ अझैसम्म उसले उसलाई घृणा गर्दछ। के हो भने वर्षको अन्तमा के यो आफ्नो केटा - कुनै केटा, वास्तव मा कुनै केटी - उनको हातमा दिनु बुद्धिमानी छ? मलाई के हो जुन भावना छ ... र के जस्तै छ ... दुबै शब्दहरू उनी के हुन्? घाँस सधैं बाड़को अर्को छेउमा चिसो देखिन्छ। तपाईं बाहिर सार्न र आफ्नो आफ्नै घर स्थापित गर्न चाहानुहुन्छ। मलाई यो विचारको साथ छोडौं।


Hope your upvote g-gif-update (2).gif


Thanks for sharing @kanhu it was an interesting post so keep up the good work. I know a lot of people who believed the grass was always greener on the other side of the fence... only to find out it wasn't. Posts like this will bring you much steemit success so see you at the top. Take care @racykacy

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