Isaac Barrow figure Behind the Rise of Sir Isaac Newton

in #life8 years ago

Sir Isaac Newton was known as a leading scientist in history has a mysterious history and not many people know about what he is doing to the end, leaving many mysteries. Let us go back to the past lives of Newton when he was younger.

In 1661, when Isaac Newton was 18 years listed as one of the students of the University of Cambridge. In 1664, when the following math courses taught by Isaac Newton Barrow is having the ability to perform a variety of independent and original scientific research.

London 1665 events plague large cities that Newton left Cambridge he went to the family residence, 161 km north of London just in Woolsthorpe. Over the last two years counting discovery About the nature of light, and the theory of gravity caused by the accidental fall of an apple.

Newton has discovered the basic laws that govern the universe on his return from Cambridge. But he did not tell anyone about these findings. Isaac Newton had a unique character and personal. Alegre do everything classify important and often vital records under the bed and then forget about it.

This is the type of person who likes to keep things and not interested in reporting on their work to the outside world. Some historians, indicate that Newton is a figure that is bad in terms of social relations. Empathy very low relative to have excessive suspicion, fear, and could be described as "cruel and sadistic" in social interaction.

He prefers to be alone with a variety of jobs with a high focus on completing all of his experiments in private. The uniqueness nyleneh finally made a curious math teacher Isaac Barrow.

Barrow started slowly but surely Newton entered his colleagues. In the 17th century there was a different thing now with the presentation of thoughts or ideas, especially for scientists. Isaac Barrow always send the recorded results of work of Newton in a group of people for people in small quantities, knowing that Newton is a candidate for future mathematicians.

Mathematicians of the time it is known that they need an award and in 1660 formed the Royal Society. This organization was formed with the purpose of enhancing the natural sciences. In the decade of Isaac Newton in the list of scientists who favored except Robert Boyle, Christopher Wren, and Edmond Halley.

Members of the association glad to hear the ideas of Newton, but there is a problem in itself as a result of social behavior Newton secret work. More and more scientific work that Newton did in the numbers make it more closed and sealed.

Historians suspect that Newton did so only for its own sake. No desire to prove to the outside world. Isaac Barrow was the only one who could communicate with him through the "suspension" in the cabinet. For a long time for the "fourth man" Barrow was finally able to persuade Newton to leave "chapel" and begin to interact with the outside world.

mirror telescope is one of the discoveries of Newton Are presented to Barrow and then Take him to the Royal Society. Ciptaaan said Newton telescope 10x Because of the revolutionary is smaller than the telescope at the time.

Then the telescope is called a refracting telescope using a magnifying glass to see the objects. The higher the better lenses will be enlarging images. But to see the planets and stars in the sky should require big telescope and, of course, take place.

Creation Newton telescope using a mirror reflection base of small size at the same magnification as well as easier to use. Actually it was not a question of the magnitude of the problem telescope vintage, but the vision of enlargement object object caused a small rainbow at the edge of the object. It was difficult to see objects as well.

Publisher Securities Also called chromatic aberration, but defects are not found in artificial Newton telescope has successfully solved the complex problems facing That scientists Acerca light.

After a member of the Royal Society Newton telescope would take a job they know more about the discovery of another Newton. Newton finally sent one of his discoveries On the spectrum of color and light.

Newton papers had been kept secret for a long time and is the foundation that makes the telescope with a mirror. Newton found that when light passes through the lens to be divided into several constituent colors. If that becomes the lens again, the lights are not fragmented anymore.

Newton theorized that white light is composed of a variety of basic colors. His discovery changed the way in time at Chaya and construction of the telescope. Newton telescope for the first time make the planet a clear and flawless in color bias. Scientists became recognizes genius incredible time and finally Newton became more open to the outside world.

One of the talented scientists at the time, namely Robert Hooke, after the curator of experiments at the Royal Society well-known people in the community. It has always been a "celebrity" in the Royal Society until Newton presence felt is the "threat" of serious conditions. Robert Hooke was a popular figure who has always expressed his opinion in the cafeteria. Presentation at the coffee shop in time, is the proper way to interact with others in all of the important ideas, especially in the scientific ideas of culture, too.

The idea of ​​science at that time used to be an interesting debate in a cafe with people who think ahead. Contrary to the way Newton's personality and certainly not very convenient for her to socialize models. Robert Hooke read Newton lights and found that the theory is contrary to their understanding of how the light. Hooke wrote a strong criticism of Newton's scientific work and communicated to members of the Royal Society.

Secretary of the Royal Society eventually wrote a message to Isaac Newton about it and end up making angry loner. Robert Hooke with the criticism that has been successful because Hooke criticized Newton obnoxious much more negative than positive. Issac Newton finally reacted to criticism from Robert Hooke to perform up to 20 sheets of written answers to the Royal Society. He explicitly expressed about the mistake of thinking Hooke and give reasons for the truth of the theory.

Newton and Hooke finally give strong reactions to Newton unstoppable fury again. Newton has been opened up to let others know about scientific discovery eventually returned withdrawal from the outside world because of a bout with Hooke. He has made a decision not to share the ideas and conclusions to others. During his return he became a loner, Newton continued to work mysteriously. There are many things that are not limited to obtaining scientific answer for itself, including the question of alchemy (Alchemy).

Alchemy is an ancient practice treasures like the philosopher's stone which could turn metal into gold. At the time of Newton's life he regarded as nonsense, daydreaming, to tell anyone and certainly stupid kid gebleg if someone falls for her.

Newton was one of those people who are obsessed then withdrew from the outside world. He often forgot to eat forget the dream only to present answers about the idea. Alchemy for Isaac Newton is a mystery science that should be known. I had read about the role of alchemy and perform a variety of experiments themselves. It was so different from the principles of the scientific revolution in which scientists will be open to all knowledge.

More than a decade after the alchemy craft scientist Isaac Newton was stopped as usual Edmond Halley succeeded science interested. Halley each time in a coffee shop is always talking about the theory of gravity and planetary orbits. Robert Hooke claimed to have been shown on anchovies. But after waiting so long Halley still not getting the results and finally the decision was taken to meet with Newton.

Edmond Halley then visit Isaac Newton and asked if he could provide answers about the relationship agitation Halley elliptical orbit planets rubbish laws quadrant. Without thinking it involves long-Newton can and can prove it. Actually, Newton has written about intended by Edmond Halley, but because of the many scientific papers finally noted that terceceran in a neat pile in one corner of his office. After meddle diobok stack of paper in every corner of the room was not met.

Hose 3 months since my last visit to the house Halley Newton, the Royal Society accepts sheets as much as 11 pages with content that is extraordinary. Isaac Newton within 3 months again preparing the foundations of modern physics. Edmond Halley pushed Isaac Newton published the writings of scientific work to the public official. Newton published a book on the theory of gravity to explain in detail about what and how the law of gravity. It is the largest scientific manuscripts, as well as the phenomenal properties of Newton, known to the world.

Isaac Newton's scientific work published in a book entitled Principia Mathematica in 1687. It was not just an ordinary book, but is loaded with great ideas that a major discovery for the scientific world. This book is the foundation of modern science and a reference to this. Although it has been proven and gain recognition, Robert Hooke still denying that he is the first to show Halley's theory of gravity. Hooke had ideas, but losses were smart in using mathematics. to accurately explain the movements of the planets.

Newton went ballistic ballistic because Hooke ngeyel fixed when builders ngeyel name is included in the book Principia Mathematica. In arrogance and pride Robert Hooke Isaac Newton then decided to review the contents of the book to eliminate many references to Hooke, leaving only two.

1703 Robert Hooke Newton died and made life changed drastically in one night. Isaac Newton published a new scientific work of others in the lens. In addition after the death of Robert Hooke on the Royal Society of Newton eventually dominate in the community for several years, until his death in 1727.

Some historians menagtakan Newton's theory of light into a work derived from the writings of alchemy. That makes Newton thought that light consists of drops of material. As stated clearly to analyze the light in a similar way to chemical analysis.

Modern historians and scientists say that Isaac Newton was a pioneer in the world of science is a strange and mysterious. This is due to Isaac Newton was also obsessed with the secret code and prophecy in this book. Of course, it is a very high-risk work and life at the time. Newton both had an interest in theology, which is equivalent to an interest in mathematics, physics, and even alchemy. For hours on the day which is always spent his life studying the book for different contexts. He was obsessed with thinking about the end times. Isaac Newton thought given talents or gifts to unravel the secrets of the universe through science, theology, up to alchemy.

There are so many secrets about ideas, ideas, experiment, invention of dying untold because that had burned all the documents. Some sources say that a few weeks before Isaac Newton died had burned hundreds of scientific material that has been secret.

There is no definite information about why Newton did not bequeath his thinking and more secrets about his work brought to the cemetery. Some think that the work that ruined it on based on the idea that Newton considered heretical theology at the time. Some even say of many records were burned and keep're wrote about alchemy.

Experts have a long history tracing the life of Isaac Newton only guess that the solitary genius who has found a lot of spectacular ideas included in the alchemy that theory hitherto mysterious and hunted from age to age. Whatever it was the Newton alone knows the secret. If there is still ngeyel Tetep as Robert Hooke please inquire directly to Sir Isaac Newton.

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