10 Benefits Why You Should Read Every Day

in #life7 years ago


When was the last time you read a substantial book or magazine article? Or do your daily reading habits center on Twitter, Facebook, or other social networks?

If you are one of the many people who are not accustomed to reading regularly, you obviously lose the benefits you should get, because reading has a number of significant benefits. The 10 benefits of reading are:

  1. Mental stimulation

Studies show that daily reading can prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia, because by reading, the awake brain remains active and makes it easy to lose memory. Just like other muscles in the body, the brain needs exercise to stay strong and healthy.

  1. Reduce stress

You may face stress at work or in personal relationships. Not to mention countless other problems in everyday life. Therefore you need to leave that tension for a moment.

Well, a well-written novel can take you to other realms, while an interesting article will distract you from a tedious routine. So if you want to be more relaxed, try to read, especially the joyful and inspiring things.

  1. Knowledge

Everything you read will fill your head with new information, and someday it will be useful. The more knowledge you have, the better you will face the challenges that come.

  1. Increase vocabulary

The more you read, the more words you get. It helps you speak and express many things well, so it is helpful in any profession.

Also, realizing that you can talk to others with confidence can be a great boost to your life.

Those who read well, will speak well, and have a broad knowledge of various topics. They tend to get promoted faster than people with little vocabulary and less understanding of literature, scientific breakthroughs, and global events.

  1. Improve memory

When reading a novel, you have to remember the various characters, background, ambition, and history to understand the story. Indeed this sounds difficult to remember, but our brain is a wonderful thing that can remember these things with relative ease.
Remarkably, every new memory you create can forge your brain's memory and strengthen existing ones. This helps short-term memory and mood stabilization.

  1. Analytical thinking skills

Have you ever read the enigmatic mystery novel, and solved the mystery before finishing the book? If so, you include people who can apply critical and analytical thinking to record all the details and uncover the conclusions of the puzzle.

Clear reading can train us to understand the sequence of events, runs and storylines, so that our brains become better able to project the conclusions of available information.

  1. Increase concentration

Within 5 minutes, the average person will split the time between tasks, checking emails, chatting with several people via chat, skype, watching twitter, monitoring their phones, and interacting with colleagues. Such behavior causes stress levels to increase, and decreases our productivity.

As you read a book, all your attention is focused on the story, and you can engage yourself in every detail you feel. Try reading for 15 to 20 minutes before work, you'll be surprised at how much you focus once you get to the office.

  1. Writing skills

Reading works that are published and written well have a real impact on someone's writing. The reason to observe the rhythm, flow, and writing style of others will always affect your own work.

In the same way that musicians interacted with each other, and the painter used the techniques used by the previous maestro, so did the author learn how to compose prose by reading other people's works.

  1. Tranquility

In addition to the relaxation that accompanies a person while reading a good book, there is the possibility that the subject you read may produce great peace and inner peace.

Reading spiritual texts can lower blood pressure and create a sense of calm and peace, while reading self-help books has been shown to help people with certain mood disorders and those with mild mental illness.

  1. Free entertainment

As an entertainment alternative, you can visit the local library and surf in the countless series of books available there for free.

You can also choose various topics you want to know. In addition to getting smarter, with your reading will also be entertained. So start looking for something nice to read, do not just observe the status of people in social media ...


No time to read but 'blinkist' helps.

Guess i should read regularly from now on

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