DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT ( Original Story by Henry Aung )steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago



Hi everyone my name is WY also known as Ya Ba. Some of you may not know who I am that’s why I have to introduce myself first. I have various colors but the pink is most famous one. Some said my origin was from Thailand, some said from Myanmar. It doesn’t matter where I came from but you may easily find me in every corner of Myanmar. Previously, I was only meant for horses to be more active during carrying the goods from one place to another. I don’t know who the genius one introduces to human to use me as a drug. I am very popular among the youths. Not only gents but also among ladies. But most of the parents hate me a lot because I took away their children’s future and destroyed their family.


I think nowadays some of my relative are very expensive like my brother “ ice” “ cocaine” “ heroin” but you can easily get in Myanmar less than 2$. Cheap, that is the reason why I can travel easily around in south east Asia. Around the border of Myanmar there are plenty of ethnic revolutions armies. I came from there. Myanmar government blame to ethnic armies being produce of me, but the ethnic groups blame to Myanmar government and military junta protect the drug lord and spreading me all over the world. I don’t know who right or wrong but I am happily destroying their children’s future and I don’t choose whether you are ethic or Myanmar civilian. And I don’t travel alone, we travel in million. Don’t you believe it, go in to below mention web link and have a look…


They can catch me in million but they will never found the owner of me. Sometime they even said huge amount of drug seized without owner… yes, I can travel without owner in Myanmar (only in Myanmar).
Some people smash me in small pieces and dissolve in Coca-Cola or Red Bull tonic drink and direct oral consume me. They said less effective in high but more effect for me to destroy their internal organs like kidney. Some people place me on aluminum foil and heat it from below with gas lighter. When I melt and vapors rise they inhale me. They call chasing the “Dragon” but what they don’t know is the dragon start squeezing inside their body.


When they consume me orally the duration of my effect is low compare with inhaling. That’s why they like to light me up. My effect is at least 6–10 hours, sometime up to 24 hours. During the effect you are very active; if you want to study I will help you to study till many hours. If you want to sing songs I will help you to sing tirelessly. If you are a worker I will help you to work till how many hours as you wish. I will not allow you to sleep even you lying down on the bed and you will never feel hunger. For the youths who like clubbing like me a lot because they can enjoy tirelessly.


Whoever using me I will give them equal effect. After my effect gone you will sleep and wake up the next morning or day. Then, you will feel nothing, no headache, no body pain and no craving and also you can do your work very well. You will start thinking I have no harm. Actually that is my best Trojan horse to you. You will not scare to use me again. And for the parents they may not know because i can’t smell like alcohol, not like other drug after use sleeping or walking zig zag. I am stable and my best part is I can destroy you without other people knowing. You parents might think their kid is very active but actually I am start taking your life and your family. Many people like youths, singer, actor, actress, author, manual worker, especially students are using me now.


So, you may use me with your friends or you alone lone time (within 2 to 3 month) without other people knows. Yes, I give you no physically craving, but what I give you craving is in emotional. Your minds will always thinking of me. You want to be active most of the time. Without sleeping and absent in meals your physical body will start changing. Because of my effect your mind will always suspecting something. If you are married person you will accuse your partner as commit adultery. Then family life start problem. If you have girlfriend or boyfriend, I will let you to suspect him or her with your best friend. And if you are alone walking I will let you suspect that another people are going to kill you. Suspecting so many things then you will start commit the crime, murder. Although you are not commited the crime yet but you will start feel your back pain. It means I am destroying your kidney very badly.


Although I am just a small pill but I can destroy the whole society especially like Myanmar where people have low education and civil war. And let me warn you even though you are not in Myanmar, one day some of your friends give you a small pink color pill writing WY on it just throw away. Don’t even looking or holding it. I know what you are thinking ….


Photo Credit: Google Image
Henry Aung ( Kachin )


My friend great work! :)

thank you for sharing

Thanks for supporting


Welcome back Henry! :)

Thanks for support

Resteemed and well told sad story @kachinhenry. It is a very difficult world to live in right now. Short term, drugs seem to help, long term they kill the body and fry the mind. I've lost a lot of friends to meth, speed, cocaine. I've walked the edges of the drug world for a long time watching people struggle, sometimes finding freedom from drugs but most of the time losing the battle. I've lost even more friends to their addiction to alcohol, money, and sex addictions. Here in America prescription opioids are killing many people right now, especially people my age, in their fifties.

All I can do is set a good example for my children and help those who ask. I've done lots of work with intervations. Telling a friend or loved one they are lost and need to help and care for themselves. I hope your people take a stand against these demons!

Reddust ,
Sorry to say that some of the married couples really scare to have their own baby ... actually I am not at the negative side , but the world is really changing over there ...

Yes, same here in America, time is flowing quickly. I think we are at an end of a cycle. Help as many as you can Henry, take care of yourself as our world spins out of control. Those who stay in the middle can help those who fly off the edges.

Well Reddust,
My next article will be social media and culture shock ... abandon new born babies in Myanmar ... honestly I hate to mention that ..

The stories need to be told.

i will try my best .... for some of the untold stories....

Henry, I've read several scientific studies, our problems with mental health and drugs are directly related to loneliness, the breakdown of cultural values, breakup of our families, and loss of community.

If we are going to save our youth we have to save our families and communities. Online social communities have reportedly enhanced our loneliness rather than provide healthy companionship.

Yes, Reddust
But different in Myanmar... you have no way to bargain with military junta ... just look at Daw Aung San Su Kyi , her government is already one Years old , but nothing can change yet..... I don't know much about political but what I know is people are straggling....

The only way out of war, any war is for all of us to come together. We are fighting a war here in America for many years. The government, gangs and our prison system are raking in profits jailing drug addicts, one prisoner is worth at least $60,000.00 a year for the prison and judicial system. The drug pushers and gangs often work for black ops government divisions, it's a different kind of warfare waged against citizens here in America. The same person free is worthless living on the streets. We all are at war and the drug trade is a tool of war....we need to remove the profits from the illegal drug trade, the Nederlands has done a good job, you should look up tgeir system of dealing with illegal drugs.

The only way to fight this is to form a strong community and protect/teach our youth the old value systems, the virtues....or I see no end to this downward spiral.

Thanks Reddust,
I gain some knowledge that even in USA they have their own problems and yet they are focus to others countries..... honestly I don't know much a bout political issues... I hope they can handle well ...

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