Some differences between real friends & fake friends

in #life7 years ago

Humans are social beings which is why we love to make friends, nurture relationships, socialize, and interact with one another. Life, indeed, is better with friends, considering the economic hardships that permeate the world at all levels.
With friends, going through the toughness and harshness of life becomes more comfortable.


But in reality, you cannot make friends with everyone. Even among the few that tag themselves as your friends, there are bound to be a few who are exude toxic vibes around all the time. These toxic friends are usually full of jealousy, bad-tempered, and conceited to a certain extent.

In this article, we will be highlighting ten differences between good friends and fake friends.

Real friends

  • They are quick to celebrate your achievements, your successes and very happy for you.

  • They are empathetic and caring, always appreciating your looks or appearance.

  • These set of people value your friendship and never take it for granted. They give you the respect you deserve, in your presence or behind your back.

  • At times, you may want to spend time alone with yourself, your loved ones or with your Creator. These friends acknowledge your ‘alone time’ and respect that immensely.

  • They are excellent purveyors of useful information and very willing to exchange opinions with you. They don’t care whether or not they win an argument. They are okay with your opinion as long as you accept theirs.

  • They stay in touch at all times, calling you up every other day to check up on you and to find out how you are faring in the journey of life. They contact you, at times, because they miss your company.

  • Everyone is unique; we cannot all be the same. That is why we have different temperaments. Friends in this category accept you the way you are, understand your type of person and are willing to accommodate you without making any attempts to bend your will to theirs.

  • They know that you have other friends beside them and are willing to accept them without judging you in any way.

  • They are good at keeping secrets, and you can be assured that your secrets are safe with them.

  • Whatever you tell them, they accept it as the gospel truth. They have no reason to doubt whatever you say because they believe in you and trust you with their lives.


Fake friends

  • You can recognize these easily because they will be unreasonably jealous of any achievement or success you attain in life. Most try to hide it or will attempt to downplay your accomplishments

  • They look down their long noses at you and criticize you mercilessly. They believe they are excellent judges of anything from fashion to food and nutrition.

  • They are bad-tempered, grumpy, flair up at the slightest provocation.

  • These friends don’t even care about anything called ‘alone time.’ They come around and try to take up all of your time without being considerate. If you decide to tell them to give you some time alone, they get annoyed and call you a selfish person.

  • They always want to lord it over you by winning every argument they have with you. On the flip side, they could be good lawyers because try as you might, you will never win any argument with them.

  • Any friend that only calls you at periods when they need help, and then vamoose once the assistance is rendered just for them to return for another favor is a toxic friend.

  • They are all out to change you, not caring about your temperament or anything you stand for or believe in. As long as their selfish ego is satisfied, they are okay with it.

  • They, on the other hand, don’t like any other person you move with except themselves. They are quick to point out faults in one person or the other in your circle of friends or acquaintances.

  • Most of the time, they are loud-mouthed and say anything without caring whose ox is gored. They do not keep secrets but reveal them quickly as soon as you offend them.

  • They are always in doubt of whatever you say, and are fond of looking for loopholes where stories don’t correlate.


Do you have any real friend?


We can talk on

We can be friends on Facebook.

You should join Binance & start trading.


Friends are the greatest gifts of a someone's life. In the age of this social media, it has become really hard to find the real friends.

Thanks @jwolf for the good article! My daughter Victoria is now at the stage of study these differences!

Well i think the line between real and fake friends is very thin, it's close to impossible to know a fake friend if they mask up well, I'm a person to keep lot of friends but personally i know I'm friend to non of them, i just like having them around

Happy Name Day @jwolf!

Thank you but I am catholic :D

oh sorry
didn't know that
anyway I hope you had a great Sunday :D

good post brother.

real friends always show up. The rest are only there for something out of you

we meet many persons in our life and meet everyday but not everyone is our friends
friends are soem speciall which give us many happines and give us hope in life and give every good feelings to our souls and hearts

Nice comparison though life is bit more complicated than that and realizing who are real and who are not is not that simple. Some bastards knows way too well the art of discrete manipulation and can be a true masters of disguise so realizing that takes some time.

Never give up real friend

I only have real friends.. because they don't know anything of my crypto adventures ;-)

i read a quote that the real rich person is that who have good freinds not have much money and the poor is that who have not good friends

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