
Bine ca faci reclama buna :))

e doar un adevar, din pacate

So in short you mean that these people are the most dirty ones in the complete European Union @jwolf

yes, unfortunately, and that's because of the mentality

Da, dar nu trebuie sa ne mandrim cu el asa. Putem promova si alte lucruri. Oricum ne fac toti minoritatea aia. Lipsa de educatie naste monstri, dar rufele trebuie spalate in casa ;) As sterge postarea.

Nu e drept sa ascundem niste lucruri adevarate. Daca am aborda mai des subiectul asta mai ales daca s-ar aborda la TV in loc de toate celelalte prostii si s-ar introduce un fel de educatie in scoli nu am mai fi pe ultimul loc

Pai da, dar vezi cine iti comenteaza postarea ;)
La ei ii si mai rau. Ma refer ca nu cred ca pentru 1$ merita sa promovezi asa ceva. Nu o sa schimbi aici lucrul acesta, numai faci un deserviciu. Daca vrei sa faci ceva, cu 200 de lei mergi si cumperi 40 de seturi de periute+pasta mai ieftine si le duci la cei 20% si ii inveti cum sa le foloseasca. Faza cu postarea ii ca si salvarea pe likeuri a celor muritori de foame. Eu as sterge postarea asta. Conationalii nostri, oricum ne-au creat o imagine extrem de proasta. Sti ce greu ii sa schimbi aceasta imagine? Toti imi spun ca eu nu sunt roman. Putem promova si alte lucruri.

Dar nu e vorba ca am promovat ceva sau ca am facut postarea pentru un dolar. Este un anumit subiect pe care am vrut sa il abordez... si stiu ca in africa sau asia e mai rau dar vorbim de UE

Chiar nu stiu de ce esti asa revoltat daca asta este adevarul...

Traieste putin prin alta parte din UE sa vezi cum se raceste relatia cand spui ca esti roman. Dureaza ceva vreme pana se castiga increderea dupa. Din cauza a 20% sufera restul. Idea ii ca nu trebuie promovata mizeria ci tratata. Uitete la @razvan-stanciu ce proiect frumos are. Chiar daca acele cladiri sunt degradate si se pierd prin rea vointa pentru un proiect imobiliar ieftin. Felul cum spune povestea impresioneaza si transmite o emotie.

Era o simpla parere si nu o revolta ca eu nu as promova mizeria in felul acesta. Este denigrant, chiar daca este adevarat. Dar nu o sa vezi marii consumatori de votca ca promoveaza speranta de viata scazuta de la alcool de la ei sau alte tari mizeria lor. II numai o simpla parere. M-as bucura sa vad si o postare cu ceva frumos ;)

Tocmai din aceste motive se raceste relatia cand spui ca esti roman. Pentru ca nu se discuta chestiile astea. Sunt de acord in privinta lui Razvan si poate pe viitor vor veni si cateva postari cu relieful minunat al Romaniei dar si unele care nu iti vor place cu legile din constitutia Romaniei

This is interesting, do you think it may have to With with no education regarding hygiene?

yes and mentality

@jwolf that's so rude
with such conducts, if they were in my county
with this weather, they will be like a big site with poop:)

This is "fake news" or scam. No source of the pool, date and the "cosmetics company" :)) Sorry guys, wasting time with hate posts...
Much more other interesting stuff on steemit elsewhere

You are free to choose your content.

In 20% of the movies that I've seen,
the guy with a tie and fancy hair is
a jerk.
It sure must be reality and definition
of movies with guys.

this is reality, is not a movie.

the movies are real :-o

Everywhere you look, you find the same human difficulties, it depends on what you spend your energy to promote. That's where true character stands out from the crowd.

I didn't promote anything. It's just a truth, it's something that I decided to post. if you don't agree with it doesn't mean you have to downvote it.

all support from me
it s not shame to declare bad conducts on your society.
keep it up bro :)

Thanks man!

Sounds like you are behind whatever it was you posted, very curious what it was and why was it edited out? I see by the title "romanians-last-place-in-european-union-or-comics-or-even-it-s-not-the-case" some background may be helpful on what makes the thing posted truth or not.

hey, sorry for the late response. I have posted that romanians are in the last place in Europe for using hygiene stuffs. This was the truth, I am an romanian, I am ashamed of that but this is the truth.Some of my fellow country didn't liked my post, even is the truth and I deleted it. I don't like spending my energy on that. They accused me that I am making bad publicity to our country and bla bla and that I am posting that for $1 and I have no integrity.

I believe I have integrity and If this is the truth we have to accept it. If we are talking more about that everywhere, on tv and other social media I think this fact can be changed

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