Fear does not help you to evolve | Life

in #life7 years ago

What do you lose if you're afraid?

You miss opportunities to grow, to reach new heights or abilities. Instead of enjoying and taking advantage of them, you will always be retreating.

You lose new knowledges and experiences that would create a new, broader vision of everything that surrounds you.

You lose the respect and appreciation of others, but also the image and self-esteem.


What do you win?

Regress. A well-deserved place in the back. You become a specialist in delays and delays of all kinds. You will lose thousands of times staying than acting.


When the fear occurs?

Fear often comes when the lack of control appears, which is an exaggerated feeling. Not all things are under our sway, and this must be accepted.

If your neighbor on the fourth floor chooses to play hard music, and you want to enjoy peace, your freedom is already limited, appearing concessions. One of you, or both of you will not be able to express their freedom in an absolute way. What about events that go beyond any kind of control? How can you stop an earthquake?


Accept when things are out of control and fill your soul with acceptance.




Thank you so much for your support man, sorry for my late replies!

Hi ..let me speak and say my opinions: listen we are all afriad and not live in safety you know why ..i will tell you nobody now thinking about our safety and live in peace the big personne stay in peace like prisedent but small people is not like us so : we are all afriad and the big personne who take us afriad ''i hope to understand me ..thanks 😄

I understand your point of view! Thank you for your time :D

I don't mean to be rude, just think hat should provide safety and prosperity for yourself by yourself

Fear never helps.
Courage and leave the confort zone helps.

I agree man! Thank you for your comment!

Fear is one word I'm trying to remove from my brain's dictionary but it's always there. Simply can't do without it. Great presentation man!

It s a human trait man!

And we will always have fear or afraid to something... but if we help each other less fear and less afraid.. ofcouse and get stronger

yes, we should think positive everytime we have a fear :D

this is great 👌

Thank you!

Awesome simple advice! I love how you describe "what you win" if you're afraid.

I think maybe fear is the only thing that any of us ever struggle with. Once we learn to let go of fear, life is a beautiful adventure.

Everything "bad" in the world can be traced back to fear in some form. Fear is the motivation for poor behavior.

Thanks! I love all the positive reminders in this community.

Thank you so much man!

@jwolf, nice post . According to mine..., due to fear you failed in any field of life because you have no confidence on yourself, in short '"Fear is Death"" only thing due to which you survive is , ""Courage & Confidence""

Thanks for your opinion!

Accept things that you can't change, and don't accept things you can change.

but what if I believe I can change everything I want?

Then go for it!

Exactly. Test your limits and cross boundaries.

Yes! Make your own reality; that's what Steemit is all about IMHO

Fear will not bear freedom. Do not fear, accept the imperfections of our own humanity, that is when we will be free.

I agree with you!

Thanks bro for raising this topic.

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