in #life7 years ago

I had my life planned out, or so I thought. Looking back now, I wish that I can go back in time to change a few things. Maybe my life would have panned out better. Perhaps I would not even be in this country but living abroad, pursuing my dream lifestyle.

Many people wish they had known about one or two things they could have fixed back in their 20s. People in this category are in their 30s and 40s. Some don’t even care that changing just one thing – if they had the opportunity to travel back in time – would mean giving up some other stuff.

In my case, I had no one to guide me in this crypto world, no one to tell me the crypto potential is huge.

Here are eleven things I wish I knew before my 20s. If you are in your teens or early 20s and reading this article, the information laid out may help you a lot in the next decade of your life.

  1. No one has it all, no matter how rich or endowed they were. It is all about making excellent use of what you have and taking care of it.

  2. Your habits today could affect your future; it could cause heartache or prevent a heart attack tomorrow.

  3. Many individuals erroneously believe that time heals every wound under the sun, especially the ones they made to happen.

  4. Intense passion is a lot like a flash in the pan; it never lasts. Severe heat may burn brightly, but it is for a time.

  5. You are not perfect. No one else under the sun is perfect, so you are under no obligation to be perfect.

  6. We live in this world together, but each person has his lane mapped out for him. This means you are directly responsible for the outcome of your life. You are also responsible for obtaining the information that you need to make your life better and smoother on earth.

  7. If you are going into a joint venture, ensure that the other partner is also bringing a lot to the table. If not, keep their names off the operating agreement.

  8. When you are a victim, you may lead an unfortunate life. But then, so is getting discriminated against.

  9. You have no reason to conduct yourself as a confident person. You should work very hard to earn that confidence.

  10. No one is waiting to fix you up into something else neither should you attempt to fix anyone up. It is only a waste of energy. Invest that energy into what makes you feel safe and happy.

  11. Never cling to a cold hand; it will never warm your heart. You can lick your wounds without belittling yourself. Take time out to find those ways and don’t let your good character change with any title.

Well, I know I am only 21, but I hope you've learnt something here, Thank you for reading and wish you a great time! Carpe diem!


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A few rules I live by:

  1. Play the cards you're dealt in life.

  2. When it comes to money, almost nobody can be trusted, very few exceptions.

  3. Marriage is a legal entanglement that will most likely cost you dearly at some point. If your partner DEMANDS marriage, run the other way as fast as you can.

  4. Never FOMO buy any financial instrument or crypto! Always wait for the pullback, even a minor one.

Nice post, man! 👍🏼

I am of 25 Years but a few things i also did not know in all these years. Thanks for pointing all of us in a good way. This is worth reading and learnt as well @jwolf

No one is waiting to fix you up into something else neither should you attempt to fix anyone up. It is only a waste of energy. Invest that energy into what makes you feel safe and happy.

Thanks for making my day,Stay Blessed :)

Without all these situations you've been through, you wouldn't be the same person now and, also, not so wise and deep so from now you can only improve your life based on your experience!
Great post and also very motivational!
xoxo 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

I really liked this post. I do not speak English but I took the time to translate to understand it and it was really worth it !! I am going to follow you

I am 17 years of age .. And I admit I have had some regrets like not investing in crypto a lot earlier like in 2013 .. But yeah I could use the excuse I didn't have any capital but glad I started in 2016.. I found you 4 months back and been following your journey .. You went from making $3-$5 per post to 100s .. Great growth .. Good luck.. man.

I also wanted to change many things before me 20 but there is no way to do that.. great article buddy!

but I hope you have never regretted for not knowing them anyway.sometimes things must go that way so as to help you be a better version of your own self..thanks for motivting us today @jwolf

Totally agree!
With no experience nobody would be the same!
Try to learn from you mistakes everyday and also do the right things for you and your soul! 🙌🏻

i feel the same way, i'm 34 now much older and wiser but i guess we all need experience in life

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