To Flag or Not To Flag...

in #life7 years ago


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Okay, so yesterday I left a reply to a comment on a post...the comment to the post was decidedly racist with an anti-white reply was absolutely politically incorrect, for I view this social experiment as an ugly atrocity aimed at destroying our 1st Amendment rights through the fabrication of "non-offensive" language...bullshit...grow a set and get ready for the real world...anyhow, I let it be known that racism was not a problem to be placed squarely on the shoulders of white fact, idiots who are racist come in all shapes, sizes, and COLORS...

My reply made no bones about people of every color being capable of racism, then went on to ask if the original author of the comment was being watered twice a week with all of the other dumb plants in their parent's basement...which was truly unfair to have to obtain a special level of uneducated ignorance to believe that people of color are incapable of racism...and plants know better...

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So, I wake up this morning, and as I am checking the evening's events, I notice that my reply to said racist comment had been flagged by the comment author...apparently such a whining cry baby that they couldn't formulate a typed reply...a truly pathetic and completely useless example of humanity...and here's why...if you get outed as a racist for your beliefs in "real life," there isn't going to be a flag for you to announce what an easily offended douche noodle you are...if language, of all things, offends you...YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM...and toning down language isn't going to protect your soft little ass from the harsh realities of life...

Now, I have NEVER, until today, flagged a single post, comment, or reply...why? Because it does absolutely nothing to further the debate or conversation, regardless of the language being used...Today, however, I decided to return the favor...and you may have noticed that I didn't out the twat waffle responsible for the racist comment and flagging of my rebuttal...because I honestly do not care about this individual anymore than I do a roll of used toilet my opinion they are both full of shit and incapable of being a service to anyone again...

No, I bring this to your attention for one simple fact...political correctness has NO place in a country that applauds itself on the protection of "free speech," in fact, political correctness is the absolute anti-thesis of free speech and hinders progress far more than a few "fucks," "goddamns," "assbags," etc. will ever do...the fact that you cannot continue a conversation with someone who uses words you disagree with, or who calls you by names you find utterly offensive, lends credence to just how pathetic your existence in this country is...

It's one thing to flag posts, comments, and replies that promote things we all find offensive...such as racism, terrorism, rape, child abuse, animal abuse, etc...but it is completely class-less to flag comments for something as simplistic as offensive language...not to mention it wreaks of dipshittery and douchebaggery...</center


Take everything with a pinch of salt, if it bothers you then they have done their job of affecting you mentally, rise above them because it's their mental health that's not right not yours.

It really helps the community grow to flag the harmful posts, I agree..but can it be realized who did flag the post? sometimes you dont even want to lose a follower whose posts you dont like..maybe he's a good reader..but has some wrong attitude in posting.. am I right?

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