Love without any expectations to be victorious in life.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Learning how to love without expectations is sine-qua-non to success in business and human relationships. Although this principle goes against common sense, it is the reality. We must honour only God doing whatever we do without any expectations(i.e.sowing into Spirit)for it earns us the blessings of our Creator. To sow love to the Spirit is to honour God in everything we do. When you sow divine love, you reap God's love. We need to develop faith in divine love.
Our expectation of certain behaviours from loved ones, friends, colleagues and acquaitances set us up for offence. Thus, these expectations must be carefully observed. We always get disappointed or demoralized when our expectations of certain behaviours from loved ones/acquaintances are not met. We are often shocked or taken by surprise when our expectations are not met.

Luke 17:1-4 tells us that it is impossible to live this life and not have the opportunity to be offended. Our responses to offences is what determines our future. Whenever we are deeply hurt, bitter, wrongly accused or dissapointed, our response to such heart-breaks determines our future. Two wrongs do not make a right! Be careful because your response to offence determines your future!! That is why the Holy-Bible says that the beginner is not the winner but the finisher is.
Very often, the response we exhibit towards offence leaves us vulnerable to the vices of anger, bitterness and revenge. We must arm and prepare our hearts so that we're ready whenever people offend us without our feeling bitter. Offence is the effective instrument used by the Evil One to trap us in the web of hatred. Offence itself is not deadly. Our response to it in humility of calm disposition opens our future into greater heights. Humility and self-denial are our veritable weaponry against offence.
Whether you're right or wrong, you do not have the permission to take offence because two wrongs do not make a right. Until we begin to love without any expectations, our lives will be full of ups and downs. The words of Jesus Christ in John16:33-36 are very encouraging, He said:"In the world,ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer for I have overcome the world". What a consciousness!! This was how Jesus Christ lived, even though He was in a world plagued by gross darkness, sicknesses, oppression, economic hardships, disasters, deaths e.t.c. He was so detached from the problems and corrupting influences of His day. He had a victor's mind-set, the kind He expects us to function with. When challenges, persecutions, turbulent times, trials and tribulations come, be of good cheer and be unflustered because you have already overcome them all. That's how you're supposed to live and think because in Christ Jesus, you've overcome the world. 1st John4:4 says: "Ye are of God,little children, and have overcome them because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world".

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@justiceoses, it is a good write up you have here. i see in it, the call for forgiveness. it is expedient as Christians to forgive our offenders whenever- however- no matter what. suc h were we taught by Jesus and it is the major condition by which we could obtain forgiveness from God. remember the story of the unforgiving servant in Matt 18.21-30 and the wordings of "Our Lord's prayer".

about love however, you cant separate love from expectations. love and expectations are inseparable, however, there should be limits to or moderacy in the expectations. Read John 14:15 "if you love me, you will keep my commands"

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