No No's in the workplace

in #life6 years ago (edited)

An office environment can be a sensitive area bristling with potentially disasterous consequences from behaviours and habits that are not adequately controlled.

The workplace is a space that occupies most of your waking hours and is shared with fellow workers, all sporting different personalities and traits. A good practice, when starting a new job, is to keep a low profile and observe the interaction among fellow workers. Wait until you are pretty certain you know how to co-exist along with your team.

Always respect fellow employees' time and space and it will be well with you.

There are still pitfalls that could cause stress and friction and the following rules could help your progress in your new job:


Don't complain

Nothing could be more annoying than the resident "office whinger". If a problem arises, stay calm and carefully go about solving it. Losing control or overreacting can easily label you as childish and irrational.

Disrupting a team atmosphere simply breaks down morale and productivity in the office. Be the problem solver rather than a problem instigator.

If it is necessary to complain about problems, do it in a constructive manner with a possible solution in mind. This will label you as mature instead of simply being a complainer.



An employee who is constantly late for work puts a strain on other workers, especially those that have to "cover" for you. This puts them behind in their own work as well. There is alsways a negative impact in the office due to latecomers.

Sometimes important meetings or projects have to be delayed until the tardy employee eventually shows up for work.

In some cases, the business might not open up on time and customers might be left waiting.

Determine what makes you run late and take steps to change it. Leave earlier for work if traffic is the problem.


Cellphone behaviour

The world is full of cellphone "addicts". Put your phone on silent and do not answer if it rings.

Your employer pays you to be productive and not to be on social media. Answer messages in your own time rather than at your desk. Be professional about your phone. Some employees play music or watch videos on their phones which can seriously impact on office productivity, especially in s small cubicle environment. Help maintain the quiet.

Put your phone on "silent" and keep it in your pocket. There is nothing more annoying than a phone left on a desk buzzing away while its owner has gone to the bathroom. Especially if incoming text alerts create that buzzing.

Talking about sensitive information outside the office

What happens at your office stays in your office. Respect any private or business information you have been trusted with. If you’re unclear about how sensitive the information is, err on the side of keeping it to yourself. Do not indulge in gossip.

Borrowing money from your employer


This never goes down without some reflection on your money money management and could lead to resentment. Some firms have a loan policy and making use of it is alright but ensure your debt is paid off on time.

Borrowing from fellow employees will lose you friends very quickly.

Talking politics

You are often judged by your political opinions so it makes sense to keep them to yourself. When you find yourself in a conversation about politics and you wonder how your opinion might might impact your career, it would be wise to remember Calvin Coolidge's words: "No man ever listened himself out of a job."


A work environment thrives on trust. Gossipping about a fellow employee says more about you than it does about him. There's a psychological term called "projection". Projection can be defines as going all out to slander someone so that attention is taken away from your own shortcomings.

Talking too much about personal problems

Being friendly with colleauges is OK, but draw the line when it comes to your personal life. Refrain from discussing your wife, in-laws or parents in the office. It is simply none of their business. Be professional and address your home problems at home.


Anger outbursts

Sometimes there is a fellow worker that has a knack of getting up your nose or getting others' tempers flaring. Be very careful around them. Do not let them make you lose your cool. Make time to invest in work "Happy Time". If you are finding that you are getting angry, excuse yourself and gain control elsewhere.

Temper outburst are career suicide.

Losing your cool to the point of punching could not only get you fired but could provide you jail time.


Loud drama over the phone

Do not subject co-workers to your family dramas. It is difficult to realise how loud you are arguing over the phone and you could have the whole office listening in. If you have a call that gets your hackles up, rather wait until you get home and sort it out there.

Listen-don't interrupt

Interrupting someone makes them lose respect for you. Often a co-worker puts on headphones to concentrate or because they are in a creative mode. Send an email or start a chat with them when its convenient.

Slouching at your desk

The body language associated with slouching or bad posture can be interpreted to mean that you are not enjoying your job or are just plain bored. Bad posture is not only detrimental to your body but also can affect your mood and of those around you as well. It creates a very negative impression if noticed by your employer.


Dressing inappropriately

There is an increasing trend in the modern workplace for casual wear. This does not mean that shorts and sandals or torn jeans are appropriate for work. Dress smartly. Smart appearance always creates respect in those around you and suggests professionalism. Scruffy dress signals a "don't care" attitude that says you couldn't be bothered to make the effort.


Too much perfume or cologne

Its easy to assume you have too little perfume on because the nose diminishes the sense of smell to your own self. Spraying large amounts of perfume is often not noticed by the person applying it.

It might make you feel good about yourself but can be a headache or a source of hay-fever for others.

Obviously, body odor can be very offensive especially in close, cramped environments. Applying a good deodorant should be sufficient. Keep the environment fresh and neutral for others.

Smelly or Noisy lunches

Opening a boiled egg sandwich in a small office leaves a smell very similar to letting off gas. Warming up your fish dinner from last night in the office microwave falls under the same category.

Chewing in at your desk can also be extremely annoying. Some people have a knack of slurping when they eat and this will not go down well.

Do not have a lunch of fish and chips or cheese and onion crisps and eat them at your desk while you work.

Always assume you are right

You may be right about something. Truth wil prevail! Refrain from procaiming your own righteousness too loudly. If you are proven wrong, you will never hear the end of it and your credibility can be ruined.


There are probably a lot more annoyances that fellow Steemians can think of. We all seek for career advancement but these precautions would need to be adhered to if you have any hope to be a model and popular employee and colleague.

Till next time! Junior


This needs to be shared. Can you not resteem after a period of time?

If the Resteen icon is gone, then I think it has lapsed!

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