Willpower (Today’s Morning Inspiration)

in #life7 years ago

In the face of struggles, what is the difference between “I cannot” and “I will not”? “I cannot” implies that you have given up, you are defeated. Whereas “I will not” implies that you are rock solid, ready to do what it takes to overcome, and most definitely not defeated.

There is an ancient story of a warrior who was wounded by numerous arrows and left to die on the battlefield. However, his last wish was to see the sun rise and mark the new dawn. With all odds against him, he refused to breathe his final breath until he finally saw the sun’s first golden rays emerge from the horizon, upon which he faded away.

While this story has been passed down for generations and may be true or may not, it is a reminder that when we set our minds to something, anything is possible. And that is not a cliché, but a time worn reality.

If we lead with “I Will”, we can accomplish things that we may have never thought were within our reach.

In our modern society, this is evidenced by the placebo effect, where many times people can be cured of sicknesses simply by believing that they are taking medicine, even if they actually are not.

Next time you feel as if you are getting sick, try convincing your mind that you are actually in full health and ready to take on the world. It’s worked a number of times for myself, so give it a shot. I think you’ll be impressed by the power of your thoughts and your will.

It truly is mind over matter. So today and every day…I WILL.

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(In honor of the ancient warrior, here is one of my favorite recent shots of a sunrise I went to watch at the lake)

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