in #life7 years ago (edited)

Several years ago, I was privileged to give a speech at a social gathering.

It was the first time I'd be speaking openly in a -well, not so big crowd- so of course, I was all jittery.

After giving my speech, perhaps....hurriedly, I ran outside to catch my breath and a friend of mine came out also-to meet me and said:
"Juliet, when did you start stammering? I couldn't even hear anything you said in there...You just go disgrace us for dia"

To say that I was hurt was to say the least. I almost cried.....and it took so much courage to walk back in and pray for the event to come to a close so I could shamefully head home and of course-cry!!!😭😭😭

Immediately after the program, I grabbed my bag and began walking home when I was stopped by a really fine guy😉. "Hey!....that was a wonderful presentation you gave. I learnt a lot ma. Just that err, you were a little too fast. But all the same,it was wonderful. God bless you ma."

You needed to have seen how my face suddenly beamed with smiles as I was touched by his kind words.....

I left the program happily and didn't even bother about the first comment from my friend.

After that experience, I was able to learn a few key things which I'll share:

  1. Know the difference between constructive criticism and hate. Some people don't like to see you make progress. Their heart is filled with so much hate and it will be a total waste of your time reflecting on their hate words/speeches. Run away from such people in the name of friends. They will only drain you emotionally. Constructive criticism corrects with love.

  2. No one is perfect. The fact that you made a mistake doesn't mean you can't do better given another opportunity. Forgive yourself and move on.

  3. Focus on your market and give them the best. No matter how hard you try, you can't be the perfect choice for everybody. Well, your name may be on their lips, but they may never accept you or your product. Learn to focus on people who accept your message and give them your best.
    You see, even Jesus hasn't been accepted by the whole why do you think you'd be any different? Stop stressing over those who don't appreciate you, your product or service. Appreciate the ones who do and leave the rest to repent.😎

I may not know all the keys to success...but one sure key to failure is trying to please everyone.
Know when to eject some people out of your lives. Be ruthless....but most importantly, love all.

Cheers and do have a most fulfilling week ahead....

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