How not to limit yourself of asking or being curious on anything?

in #life6 years ago

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> No one is dumb who is curious. The people who don't ask questions remain clueless throughout their lives. Neil deGrasse Tyson.

Being curious isn't a bad thing. In fact, it is a really good thing and if you really want to be in the know, then you must be curious.

Only people who care to find out, who are curious enough to ask find out answers to life's pressing issues.

Life is full of hidden treasures, skills, technical know-hows and if you must be in the know, then, being curious isn't an option. 

Curiosity opens you up to a world of insight. It makes you 10 times better than the dumb. A step ahead of those who don't know. When you are curious, you can never be dumb because you will always ask to know.

Whether what we ask makes sense or not, it is better to ask and look foolish, while becoming wise with the answers gotten than to keep silent and remain dumb/foolish.

Either way, when we ask, we make known that we do not know and we want to know, that act alone in itself makes us smarter than those who don't ask at all.

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