Millions starve to death while we feast on capitalist cuisine

in #life6 years ago

Food world hunger.jpg

#### Food is a basic human right, along with water.
But food has become simply a commodity in the capitalist system at present. Human rights have taken second place to profit and growth, both essential in the capitalist theory. And that is the fundamental problem. Humans no longer matter other than being consumers and agents of profit for big corporations, including big Agri. Have they become “too big to care?”

#### With millions of humans starving **
on the planet today, due to war and famine, both preventable, food is seen to be important merely as a product of international trade. We can still get “just-in-time” delivery of fine imported figs or dates or whatever you desire, at your local exclusive supermarket in any first world city. Yet we cannot get basic grains to the millions of starving masses in Africa, possibly displaced and camped out as refugees without hope for the future. It seems as if humanity has been crushed under the wheels of capitalism, implying that we have lost sight of our priorities. The system is skewed to favour the 1% or those who already have plenty at the top, while disregarding the fact that all humans have a basic unalienable right to life.

#### We are our brothers’ keepers
when our brothers are born disadvantaged due to no fault of their own – at least not in this lifetime. Some may say that it is their fate or karma to be born in a fallen condition. But then it is our duty to uplift them since we have been born in an elevated position, with education, facility and food. Besides that, we have come to a point where it even no longer matters what happens to the farmers that produce the food. Monsanto has destroyed the lives of countless small farmers, particularly in India, where suicide rates have skyrocketed in recent years. Small subsistence farmers are obliged to buy Monsanto seeds and pesticides, at inflated costs. And when drought ruins their crop they go further into debt. This debt is immoral and basically unpayable, and so the poorest of the poor farmers are thrown into still further poverty and lose everything. They end up drinking the toxic pesticide that Monsanto flogs to them, in a hopeless attempt to escape the tragedy of their lives, a tragedy facilitated by Monsanto and big Agri.

**#### The faceless monster of corporate greed **
has destroyed any remnants of civilization we may have had once upon a time. This is not a civilized existence. We are judged by the way that we treat our most vulnerable among us. And we are treating them as dogs or less than dogs. Dogs in posh suburbs eat better than the poorest humans in famine-struck nations of Africa and Asia. This is the result of faceless shareholders in first world countries who have lost their souls in the corrupt machine of capitalism. A rotten soul wallowing in a pool of blood dollars is a rotten soul nevertheless.

Similarly it means nothing to the 1% if the land they use is ruined in the process. They don’t care about the earth, our mother, when they force pesticides and monoculture farming onto the land. Huge swathes of forest are being destroyed in the name of profit, killing the ecosystems, which cannot be repaired in some cases. The land becomes poisoned for a lifetime or more by the toxic short term solution of Roundup or other such pesticides, which also seep into the sea and the water table, destroying any chance at life for all the other species around. All of this is clear proof that humanity is in the last stages of the spiral of destruction. It is proof that we have lost our humanity as custodians of mother earth, we have raped her and pillaged and this can only be possible if we are under the control of a malevolent consciousness, one that knows that it is doing harm but cares less about whom it treads on in the path of prosperity.

The Earth is our responsibility
This malevolent civilization is run by a few outright demonic or evil destructive elements, calling themselves humans, but who are polished animals, or worse, reptilian tyrants, the personification of evil. For them agriculture has nothing to do with the actual environment. Waste is fine for them and misappropriation of resources or the improper redistribution of food is second to the feeding of the starving humans on a continent near you. In today’s global village this is totally unacceptable. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. Neither is a lack of capacity. It is conscious evil I the form of greed and joy in murder of the weak and hungry. This has become obvious to me and should be to any informed and educated observer in today’s materially developed world.

#### Modern capitalists
will always be able to amass more food because if the farmers can no longer produce it, they will use scientists to manufacture it in labs. Similarly good health is no longer connected to food. There is no connection between food and health as their used to be in a time when food was medicine. People are seen as consumers and the most toxic food is forced on them via manipulative advertising that makes excess sugary food and drinks seem appropriate for example, just like the tobacco industry of last century. And this is all perfectly allowed in a capitalist system.

Agenda 21
Ultimately there is enough food to go around and feed every human on the planet. It is just a matter of proper distribution. Even during the Potato famine in Ireland in the 1800s food was being exported to neighbouring England as the Empire demanded their pound of flesh while their nearest brothers starved while they feasted. Similarly the Empire caused one of the worst famines in India’s history when they continued to export Indian food to the UK while local Indians died by the million. So this is not a new evil. The evil Empire has been around for hundreds of years. Long gone are the days when noble rulers took care of the dependents under their care, like the plants, animals and obviously the humans. Gone are the days when the king protected the earth. Today the malicious villainy of the savages in suits seems hell bent on destroying any last remaining vestiges of humanity to be found in our souls. They delight in it and are deliberate in their agenda 21 and more.

**#### I’m not alone in this opinion. **
It is clear to see in the evidence all around us today. The solutions are there, the food is there, but it is not being shared. Capitalism is the tool used to crush the weakest and enrich the richest. It might work in theory but in practice the controllers of the levers of power have lost their humanity. It is a dark age, and getting darker. Tell if I’m wrong. Tell me that you see it getting better and I will believe you if you show me the stats. But for now it is a dog eat dog world, and the humans are nothing more than the biggest dogs on the block.

References: Wendel Berry; Jack Kornfield


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That's very sad and not optimistic vision @julianhorack

Yes I was having a serious day when I wrote this post. I live in Africa so I see the suffering of the poor. I have lived in India and it is even worse. I now live among wealthy elites and see their waste, so I know what's happening on both sides of the spectrum of food and money and I speak from experience.

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