I need to know if there is a humanitarian project in Steemit that can be given a small donation ...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I need help from the community in this. I need to know if there is humanitarian projects or something like that in Steemit that can be given a small donation. It is nothing fancy, just a couple of bucks but ... something is better than nothing.


Because in Steemit.com you can not reject the rewards of comments I want to donate the reward from two comments I made and in which I won something thanks to the votes ... but the idea, when people upvoted me, was to make the comments visibles, not to give me some rewards.

I made the first comment the first day of SteemFest 2 from my phone in Lisbon and I was basically working there filming the presentations so I did not have so much time, I knew I got a lot of votes for visibility but also a comment about the money that I had received, honestly I forgot about it ( I have a life apart Steemit, work, a kid) until someone answered in a funny way yesterday and I answered back and ... long story short, I got a lot of flags in a comment but more upvotes and with the upvotes came also a bit of money. I know that the people who voted for me the second time did it, again, with the intention of giving visibility back to my comment and not to give me money, like the people who flagged me did it to take away visibility from my comment not to take away money.

I believe that steemit.com should have a way to deny payment in comments like the normal publications. So any allusion to money in a conversation would be reduced to zero. It could not be used as a way, by people who want to try to diminish you, to accuse anyone of having any monetary interest and things like that. Something simple, like the system of choosing "Reject payment" works perfectly as I am doing with this post.

@ned @sneak Consider implementing that at some point here please!

I think that's going to help a lot!

In total the two comments won $ 8.08 and that I will be sending as soon as I know what projects are in Steemit to which I can give a donation ... or maybe a steemian in need. So, please, help me with names. I remember there was one project of planting trees in Africa, does anyone know if that is still going on?

Thank you very much in advance for any help with this!

I know now that there are other browsers from the Steem Blockchain where you can deny payment in a comment but I trust Steemit.com only for now with my keys. Nothing personal.

Update: Sent the donation to @dreamsoftheocean

Dreams of the Ocean   dreamsoftheocean  — Steemit.png


The only charity that comes to mind right now is @surfermarly's.

But in regards to declining payouts... what happens with the money when you decline it? Where does it go? And do the upvoters still get their part if you decline it, or not?

Because... instead of creating a way to decline payouts on comments, why not create a way to direct them to a charity directly (or to people/accounts). Then the money would be used for something good, and not lost.

Isn't something like that already in the works, or did I dream that? :)
I thought I remember someone mentioning in a speech at Steemfest, that we will be able to share payouts with different people soon.

I guess that goes for posts, but why not implement it for comments at the same time?

I was going to suggest @surfermarly's fund also, good call!

Because... instead of creating a way to decline payouts on comments, why not create a way to direct them to a charity directly (or to people/accounts). Then the money would be used for something good, and not lost.

I love this idea tbh.. :D

But in regards to declining payouts... what happens with the money when you decline it? Where does it go? And do the upvoters still get their part if you decline it, or not?

Good questions. I think no ones get anything but I hope someone can clarify this better.

Because... instead of creating a way to decline payouts on comments, why not create a way to direct them to a charity directly (or to people/accounts). Then the money would be used for something good, and not lost.

The idea is very good. And yes, you will have the possibility to share the rewards of the posts but in Steemit still is not implemented. The good thing would be to have the same possibilities in the comments. As you well ask ...

why not implement it for comments at the same time?

OK, so we're pinging DJ @sneak to implement that for us... :)

There should be a list somwhere, like the witness list but a list of humanitarian or linked with nature projects in Steemit so people cuold search if need it and from time to time give some donation. :)

And I upvoted your post to see if I will get a payout :) We will know in 7 days!

Haha..now I realize we thought in the same way about @surfermarly's project! So good :)

Choice Humanitarian is an amazing non-profit that I just convinced to start posting on steemit. Their mission is to eliminate extreme poverty (people making less than $2 a day). They do this by working in villages to help the people and the village to become self sufficient. They have been doing this for decades and have more success at long term poverty elimination than anyone else I have heard of. Check them out!

Thanks! I already sended to another one but I think I will prepare a list to have it on hand when need it. If you know more of them please do not hesitate to write the user names in a comment. Thanks a lot!
Edit: Following you now and they too

Hi Steemians, hi @juanmiguelsalas So clear point... this should be on Utopian.io, and could be a great contribution to Steemit :)

And about the project: Maybe @surfermarly's project? It's enough humanitarian and she dould be happy to get you attention in that way. See U around!

And by the way if you see the Screenshot there are several bugs for utopian from Steemit Wallet as i see... el Recibir must be Recibió y la separacón entre SBDdeName :)

Estas que no se te escapa una!!! :) Así me gusta ver a "los míos"! (como decimos en Cuba a la banda)

jajaja.... y eso que no tomo café! Salúd!

It is true, could be in Utopian! Thanks for the recommendation Leo @leotrap!

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