What I've learned so far - Lessons from the "School of Life"

in #life8 years ago (edited)

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Hello Everyone!

Today I will talk a little about some lessons I've learned in my life so far. Even in the worst time or difficulty that we may be going through, we can get an apprenticeship for life. Knowledge is defense, so all knowledge acquired is important so that we can create some protective barriers that make us be more cautious in some decisions that can change our lives.

Also important is not dwelling on the past, the frustrations, grudges and grievances, all this can make us very badly, not only your body, but your mind too. So, everything is useless it is always better to discard. Should we miss some things, to make other much better.

Lessons learned in the "School of Life"

Keep pondering or delaying their projects because of negative objections of other people around will crash your success. Have personality and win your way without fear.

Source Giphy

Keep complaining about that "Today it's raining, it's going to be a bad day" doesn't work. Maybe we're missing a great opportunity to learn, to know someone who has something important to say and that can suddenly change our lives.

Source Giphy

We must continue to walk, in spite of adversity. Even if "our legs are aching, heavy backpack that we're carrying is destroying our backs and the seat are cutting our throats". "The suffering appreciate the accomplishment of the mission." I learned that at the time I was in the military, I believe it is one of the few good things I learned while I was there.

Source Pexels

We must never underestimate someone by your posture apparently inferior, by his appearance, clothes or whatever. "Appearances are deceiving". No more correct.

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"Patience and persistence". I read this motto in a film I've seen, called: "door to door", a very good movie that tells the story of a man who overcomes his physical limitations and becomes the largest door-to-door salesman of the company that he works for. I always take this motto for me.

Source Giphy

We must forgive always and always exercise the forgiveness. Save sorrows is never good. With respect to your wife, husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, friend or relative forgiveness after a disagreement always makes us well. Love people like there's no tomorrow.


You never know everything and we're always in life students. We are in this world to serve and we must never abandon the humility.

Source Pexels

I believe that the lessons do not end here, and still must be learned....

I hope you enjoyed this post and to comment your impressions in the comments below that will be very important to me, and don't forget to help me by giving your Upvote.

Thank You!


Excellent, right thoughts! If you do so, then all should turn out. Sooner or later.

Thanks for your comment and upvote @spinner

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