in #life6 years ago


Sometimes I ask myself why do I, and the people just like me, hustle so much. I wonder if I'm the only person around me that is willing to push my mental and physical boundaries in HOT! smoking pursuit of my goals.

I think some of do it for the material things..the nice house, nice watch, the cars, the girls, the life.. and there's nothing wrong with that. But there is also another group of us who do it because we believe deep in our soul that it is our obligation to provide the best possible life for the people we love. That sense of responsibility is ingrained deep within in and we feel it every single day.

I certainly know that I do. When i get up in the morning I feel it.

When I'm in the shower I feel it.

When I'm sitting around doing nothing I feel it.

I feel it itching, and nagging, and pushing me to get up and get back to work. The result can be draining and many of us experience burn out but the flip side of that is an unfathomable drive , a seemingly bottomless well of energy, a mission, and a sense of purpose.

When we hustle, we're not just doing it for ourselves. We're doing it for our family, our unborn kids, and their kids, and ultimately to leave an impact on the world. We cannot rest until we reach our peak; until we make the most money that we can, until we have the body we've always wanted , until our relationships are as intimate as they can be.

If you come from the same place as we do then I want you to know that you are not alone on this journey and that you should keep pressing and keep failing forward.

If you're different then I'm inviting you to think about what you are leaving on the table by not becoming your best self. Think of all the lives that you could have impacted, all the people you could have helped, the experiences you could have had, and the places you could have gone if you had made a firm decision to commit to pursuing the greatest version of you.

Don't you feel a sense of responsibility? Doesn't it bother you that the lives of the people you love could have been very different and you had the power to change it but you never did..never even tried.

If it doesn't then perhaps it should.

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