So you had a bad day...

in #life7 years ago

While taking my dog for a run the other day he had an unfortunate encounter with a javelina...

He is going to be just fine but this will be his new head gear for a bit until the stitches come out...

Follow: @jrcornel


Those things are MEAN! We used to hunt them in Texas and when you shoot, you climb a tree because the whole pack turns and attacks!

Really? I had no idea... I took him running in the wash near our house like usual and I heard a loud tussle in one of the bushes and then a javelina came shooting out... running quickly the other direction. Then Bogey (my dog) trotted out towards me shortly after. I didn't see anything wrong with him at first, but when I got home I noticed a little blood near his shoulder... I am assuming the javelina must have gotten him with his tusks.

I think Bogey was very fortunate (or quick)...those things are treacherous. They usually run in packs, it's unusual to see one alone. Scary to hunt too. My friend's family is from Eagle Pass, TX they're Indians and the mark of manhood is hunting javelinas.

Yea it may have been lost, it was in the wash near our house, which is in the middle of the city... it probably ran down that wash for quite some distance to get to that point?! I have taken my dogs running there at least 30 times and never once seen one before...

I had no idea what a javelina was. Ooooh your poor baby!

Here is what the ones look like around here:

They have very large teeth/tusks that they can gore you with...

Those things are nasty. They can do a lot of damage. Hope the dog feels better soon.

Thanks Tom! He is mostly fine! I think in his mind wearing the cone is worse than any damage the javelina inflicted!


They are even nastier than they look!

feels bad to give an upvote on this if you know what i mean..

Haha yea it's kind of like if you "like" something that is sad on another social platform... you kind of feel like... "uh does liking this mean I am happy that this sad thing happened?!" Such confusion! :)

The good news is that Bogey is just fine. He is more annoyed (I think) that he has to wear that stupid cone. He has run into his fair share of things with it!

Poor dog, he must be a silver lining misfortune.!
I saw he was very loyal to.
Your dog may recover quickly.
Good luck @jrcornel

Thank you!

You're welcome, dear friend @jrcornel

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