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RE: My Struggle With Body Dysmorphia As A Male

in #life8 years ago

I can definitely speak from experience as a 30 year old male... Women don't emphasize looks as much as you get into your late 20's and beyond. Then it becomes all about status. A good job, a nice car, a nice house... etc. All of those things mean just as much as physical attractiveness.

As long as you are at least decently attractive (no physical deformities and not alarmingly overweight) you will be fine. Physically, just be the best you that you can be. Stay fit, eat decently, work out, cut your hair, stay well groomed etc.

On top of those, though, the best advice is to work on your "life game". Have the best life possible you can have and you will be surprised how many women flock to you and want to join you on your journey... Do things you enjoy, travel to places you want to see, try new things you want to try... all those things are great at creating a more attractive atmosphere.


Thanks for the advice jrcornel, I know that things will get better as time goes by but I cant help but feel like they are settling for me at that point. Its probably not true, but I cant help but think about it.

Well don't feel that way... the attractive ones now may not even be attractive in 5 years... A buddy of mine had his choice of girls in highschool.... girls would call him a 10. Now he is bald, fat, and has glasses and they don't call him that now...

Right, later in life it becomes more about the security you can offer rather than your appearance.

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