Can you guess what finally arrived today?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

A box! Can you guess what is inside the box?

If you recall a post that I did last week you may have a pretty good idea what is inside this box...

For a refresher, the post can be seen here:

That's right, my ants have finally arrived!

I understand how disturbing and weird that might sound, but remember they are not actually for me but instead they are food for my stepson's horned lizard. It turns out crickets and mealworms are not enough to keep him running at his optimum level. 

Time to open the box...

I have to admit I was a bit hesitant opening this box as I wasn't exactly sure how they would be packaged as this was the first time I have ever ordered ants before. Would they be running loose inside this box or concealed in some kind of plastic container? 

I was betting (and hoping) on the latter...

Much to my relief they were not running wild inside that box!

The first thing I saw was a piece of paper with some instructions on it. That is exactly what I need as I have no idea how to store these things or handle them.

As you can see the first line on the paper was a warning about not touching the ants. This was something I was already planning on not doing, but I guess it was good to be reminded. :)

Next, after I read over the paper to make sure I was doing everything correctly. It was time to take a look at the precious cargo...

That is one heck of a lot of ants!

I ordered 500 not really knowing how many he would eat and how long they would stay alive. Perhaps next time I will need to cut my order in half. 

Time to transfer the ants

Next it would be time to transfer some of the ants to their new home. Well, it would be their home at least until they are devoured by the lizard.

This is where it got a bit tricky.

I had to open the lid and scoop some out without letting any of the others escape. Luckily harvester ants are not particularly good climbers so it was difficult for them to climb up the sides of the container.

I got a plastic spoon and put a couple scoops into the cage as quickly as possible. Somehow I managed to get 3 scoops in without a single ant biting me, touching me, or escaping. I was quite pleased with myself. :)

As per the instructions, I put a couple pieces of fresh fruit (strawberries) in the corner to give them some food so they don't die right away. 

All those little reddish/black dots are ants. I may have put too many in to start with but the lizard hasn't eaten in a few days so I am sure he is pretty hungry.

As you can see the lizard looks like he is starting to notice his new supper running around. 

What do I do with the rest of the ants?

Now the tricky part becomes what do I do with the rest of the ants that I didn't feed the lizard? 

The instructions say to leave them in their container and put them in the refrigerator to keep them cool which basically puts them into hibernation. They can survive that way for about 2 weeks. 

Something is telling me that the Mrs. is not going to go for letting me keep ants in the fridge though... 

I guess finding out what to do with the rest will be my next adventure. Hope you enjoyed reading this one! 

Live well my friends!

Follow me: @jrcornel


I have neither seen or heard of someone ordering ants online to feed them to a lizard. LOL. The things you see on the internet..... haha!

P.S. You ordered 500 ants. What if the "ant-selling people" only sent 450? Who's to count? :P

Haha I hadn't either! I didn't even know you could do that until I started doing some digging. Regarding the number of ants, you are correct, who is to know how many are actually in there?!

Luckily for me it looks like there is well over 500 in the container, so I did not get ripped off... phew :)

haha nice to know!
You should quickly make a post with photographs of the lizards eating those ants up or better a video! :D

Is there any way to upload a video other than youtube? I don't have an account there...

No, I think only Youtube videos work here. It's easy to make an account on Youtube. If you have a gmail, you basically just sign in. If you don't, it will take just 5 minutes.

Freeze them. My friend eats ants...she freezes them and then she fries them up in coconut wouldn't believe this but I have seen this with my own eyes...LOL!

haha... how many do you have to eat to get full?!

These are bigger ants though...but she freezes them in little plastic bags. Then she fries them in a pan in coconut oil and can't stop eating. I have never been that hungry. Here are some photos that I took the last time she tried to force me to eat one...

That looks pretty gross... lol.

I think I will stick to frozen grapes :)

By the way, this would make for an interesting post... hint hint ;)

Possibly...Ants and coconut oil smells gross.... but if you think about it some cultures eat worms, grasshoppers and other insects. If I had to choose between a grasshopper and an ant...I would possibly choose the ant. Let us just hope I never become that hungry!

Yes I guess I would as well.... but perhaps this ant's smaller cousin :)

I have so much ants in my backyard, now I'm wathing them in a different way :D
So, I think is better if you DON'T put the ants in the fridge, maybe the Mrs don't likes this idea ;)

Haha no she would not... hopefull I don't have to go out and buy a mini fridge for these silly things! :)

Well, I do not always read all the comments first but when I make them and then keep reading..........

Once you start, you can't stop...

This is a good idea :D

Strawberries & of my favorite snacks! Actually I did try chocolate covered ants (and grasshoppers) Not all that bad!

Haha really? Where was that? I imagine with enough chocolate you wouldn't taste much :)

Canada, Montreal I think and you're right, all you can taste is chocolate. The grasshoppers had a little crunch though.

I would be willing to try that one day... maybe even roasted with some salt on it doesn't sound all that bad either. Like a grasshopper Cheeto :)

When I was in Vietnam, I had monkey on a stick! It was really good- they spice it up to where you can't tell what the meat is. It was kinda like teriyaki!

There you go. If you season something enough, it tastes good, no matter what it is!

I do remember your last post about this.

So the strawberries in there look nice, you have to keep them in the fridge and adult supervision is required....

Who is supervising YOU?


That's what I am wondering! If I drop this container and they go everywhere I may need to call the fire department! :)

You have got an exciting adventure :) Apparently Your lizard are a great fan :) in such delicacies

Haha yes I do! Hopefully he appreciates all this work! :)

Oh! Yes! ha ha ...he is a foodie

This is great. Hopefully they don't put too overthrow the lizard!

You may take our lives, but you will never take our free.......

Oh snap.



and ants.

Freedom and our ants.


They can't take our ants!

Haha yea I have to make sure not to put too many in all at once... or they may start a revolution on him! ;)

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