3 Easy Things to Revive the Drive for Productivity

in #life6 years ago (edited)

At the end of each day, when things get wound up with worries, stressful outcomes, busted deadlines, failed expectations and unscheduled activities, the body can go overdrive.

Personally, this term comes more conspicuously as exhaustion. Actually, it is not just a description. It is the feeling, the aftermath after every dealing, after the activities made and forgotten to engage during the day and at the early hours of night. Muscles get knotted and twisted, and aches and sores stung, making the body less capable for efficient movements and become less productive than hours before.

Though it is quite normal to get through things during the day, exhaustion can become less desirable when you want things done within the 24-hour timeframe.

But is driving your body to its full capacity despite the nagging signs of exhaustion healthy?

I still have to make sufficient research on theories regarding body overdrive or exhaustion, and its ill-effects. But logically speaking, getting yourself exhausted too much trying to be very active in every hour without consideration for sleep and rest is already unhealthy.

If putting too much pressure is your thing, then you are in for the kill. The sad truth about this, though, is that the killing is self-inflicted, which leads me to think of the word suicide.

I have been through things during the preparation stage. I am still in that stage.

The feelings of anxiety and disappointment is in the mix. The joyful part may will come later when all things get done. But even though the accomplishment is in progress and is yet to be apparent, exhaustion comes in between. It exists in the gap of process and accomplishment, and always comes after success.

Despite the feeling of exhaustion, if the hope's all up, then that feeling will be in the web of oblivion until the body sends the signal to the neurons, prescribing for immediate rest after the overdrive.

And I take exhaustion seriously. There is nothing more wonderful (actually, there is) than a good massage and a relaxing ambiance to take the aches, knots and stresses away. I realize that after the indulgence, the body responds well according to my preference.

Here is my personal list of three simple things to do to regain the urgency for being productive on hours of demand:


Taking a few minutes of rest can help in recharging the active lifestyle. There are several ways to do that, but I think they will have to be tackled on in later posts.


As simple and as basic it is, sleep could become challenging for some. But sleep deprivation is not a good habit. If you can talk to the sandman, then have him send in the bags of sand to enthrall you to sleep.


The word "indulge" has some innuendos. But I think, it is a term that refers to the action in which one has to engage in to eliminate things that cause the stress.

Image Credits: Pexels

These are three of my go-to ways to revive my body from overdrive. What do you usually do to recharge after a long day's work? Comment below.

Thank you for reading!


I love this. Very well-written and informative post. Thanks for sharing this here. This will be helpful for me and I am guilty with sleep deprivation. I will practice on making sure that I get 8 hours of sleep at least.

Ironically, the creative juices usually start kicking in when it's already time to sleep. Let's just not go overboard, or we should just learn when to stop.

Wow! This is a really good post! :) I'm doing the same things as you mentioned above when I feel too stressed out -- especially the sleep and massage part. Lol! Looking forward to reading more quality posts from you! Awesome work! :)

Thank you, @chinitacharmer, for your thoughtful comment. I agree, probably because these two are the most accessible ways to cope with stress, sleep being the most basic.

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