The Glass Doesn't Miss -- Original Short Story

in #life8 years ago

It has almost been a full year to the day now. In two weeks it will be the exact anniversary of the greatest event of which I have been apart of in my almost twenty four years on this earth. Or, should I say I was almost apart of.. No matter how hard that morning comes back to me every so often either in the form of dream, nightmare, day dream or even possibly a hallucination.. I still cannot help but be overcome with complete and utter emotion and misunderstanding as to why and how I somehow avoided the horror like I did. So, without further prolonging the inevitable, lets go back to the day before everything completely jumped the skids so to speak.

It was my regular morning routine as usual. Wake up at four o’clock in the morning and jump into the shower for a quick wash. This was followed by my morning jog along the beach and then my expresso shot upon run completion, a long hot shower and then into my suit before making my way back downstairs to catch my daily six o’clock cab, which would have been waiting for me exactly four minutes up until I opened the door and gave my regular greeting to regular cab driver, good old Nikko. “Time to suck the day’s dick my man!” This was followed by his usual response, “It is indeed Sir, and it looks as though it is going to be a big one!”. I would arrive outside of Greensburg Plaza at exactly Six-Thirty One a.m. and have my quick morning smoke with Jonathan from Budget as he would quickly describe the fresh piece of young ass which he claimed to of had the night before. I would then head up to floor sixty-seven and passed my assistant Pamela, who never shared any greeting besides a simple and quick happy nod and smile. Finally, I make it into my corner office by exactly six-forty four, one minute before the usual good morning call from the big guy himself on what priorities he would have me digging around into today.

I know it sounds a little robotic and unexciting yet, my morning routine was arguably my favorite part of my entire day because it seemed to be the one part of my life which I had taken complete control of over these last four years of working accounting for Johnson and Thorpe LTD. I had no idea however that almost exactly twenty-four hours from now I would find how little in control I truly was. The first hint of this would come to me almost as soon as Mr Thorpe and I finished our call and I began logging into my different Accounting systems.

Upon opening up Quickbooks and my endless amount of spreadsheets, I then logged into my email server. As I scanned through the subject lines, hitting delete on every other needless email, I was caught by a subject that sent a small shiver down my spine with a quick whip like strike. The subject of said email simply read “Almost time” and was followed by an endless amount of exclamation marks, or so it seemed. I opened up the email to find four single words written in red lettering over a black backdrop. The words made no sense but somehow shook my entire being to the core. The words read “The Glass Doesn’t Miss”... I was taken aback by this message quite a bit with how fucking peculiar it all seemed. “The Glass Doesn’t Miss”? What the fuck could this possibly be about? Immediately I assumed it was a joke being pulled since we do find humor to be an important skill in our section of the company. Yet, as soon as I was going to start my investigation into which co-worker had sent this message, I caught something more in the email that really sent shock waves through my system.

The Sender’s email address was somehow my email address which I had used all the way up from grade school to college.. Immediately I was pale and completely dumbfounded. There was no way that anyone of my co-workers was even remotely aware of this old email address of mine! Now I was starting to feel a little sick on top of the fright and bewilderment.. I finally was able to move again and I picked the phone off of the receiver and was just about to call my Brother when all of a sudden another frightening occurrence was taking place. The cursor on the screen began to move on its own and it slowly scrolled around the four letters in a perfect circular motion. After seven full circular rotations it then stopped above the word glass and hesitated for a moment before moving up to the top of the email and deleting the message. Once this happened, my computer literally turned itself off in an instant and not even five seconds later was back on and still logged into each system as if nothing had ever happened.. I was still holding the phone in my hand and my mouth was dropped so far I could almost feel it resting on my desk. I finally came to enough to hear the dial tone beeping harshly and I slowly carried the phone back over the receiver and dropped it back into place without ever taking my eyes off of the screen or closing my mouth...

To Be Continued



What an original story, Jpjper! Thanks for sharing.
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