Happy Birthday @gloglo, my Condolences to @Supassinggoogle - Never Give Up

in #life7 years ago (edited)

"Perseverance or Never give up" is the real spirit in steemit. It is just like the race of life.

It is worthy of note that there is time to be born and a time to die.

@gloglo celebrated her birthday on 25th November, I wish you a happy birthday my dear. You however recounted the death of your father, who happens to be my own twin brother. What a day to remember the death of a legend and a hero in the family of 5 children. We happened to be the third, as you are aware that in the history of twins, there is no days between our births, how much more talking of 9 months gap in normal single births because we were born the same day, the same minute, so if I say that we are the third, I am not wrong. Hmmmmm, there is no way I can say we are the third and the fourth children respectively, there is neither senior nor junior as in single births. To us twins, it sounds absurd because we see ourselves as one inseparable being. That's the person's death @gloglo recounted on her birthday in her condolence message to @supassinggoogle.

I am happy for you on your birthday and at the same time touched by your situations, the death of your father at 6 years and the death of @supassinggoogle when he had wished his mum should have lived longer to enjoy the fruit of her labour. That is life for you.

Happy birth day @gloglo and

My the kind and gentle soul of Mrs Ajayi, @supassinggoole's mum rest in peace. Amen

What an irony, a day to be born and a day to die.

Both of you should bear it mind that we cannot question God because he has a reason for allowing certain things to happen in our lives. Sometimes, it could be for an exchange for our lives and more so, in the case of @supassinggoogle, it is our responsibilities to bury our parents, we do not pray for our parents to bury us, that's just why God in his infinite mercy allowed it to happen so. As for @gloglo, the Lord's word should console you. The wicked people had murdered him in cold blood, thinking that his lineage had been wiped away but God blessed him with two lovely kids - a boy and a girl who are doing well today. For it is appointed for a man to die once and after that, judgment, moreover we shall not be afraid of those that can only destroy the body but has no power over souls, rather we should fear the one who destroys both the body and soul - God Himself.

Here is one of the legacies my twin brother left behind below, he is @gloglo's younger brother,, he was only a baby at the time of his father's death. This is a proof that he did not die in vain, life continues:


From my personal pictures

Life is a teacher, it teaches us things we do not know. Wait and see what the Almighty God will do in your lives and in our lives generally. I tell you not to lose hope, stand up and continue from where your parents stopped, for you are the legacies they left behind.

You are even lucky you know your parents. Some children cannot even say whether their parents are fair or dark complexioned, tall or short; they cannot even remember their parents with a sense of pride or regrets, simply because they were so tender when both parents died in a motor accident or some kind of mysterious death. Some even have ended up in the hands of callous and wicked guardians, but they still live and striving hard to get to the top. What will you say about them? So I say with every sense of hope that you should not mourn like people that do not have hope, for God is in control. They are resting in the bosom of the Lord.

All that is left for us to do, especially during mourning periods is to have a sober reflections about our own lives, how do we live our lives; can people bless God, us and our families at the mention of our names or are we the type that people will rain curses on our heads even up to the generations yet unborn? It is important that we x-ray our lives generally, our style of living and our general relationship with people around us, people we come across with, even those we meet on steemit; this is a period of sober reflection.

My prayer is that our children will not mourn us prematurely. Untimely and unprepared death shall not be our portion, amen. I am sure you will find consolation in these quotable quotes below on:

Don/t Give Up


I say to you not to give up on anything you love. Are you in love with steem it, please don't give up but keep on steeming, you will be happy you never gave up. Many steemians who break through will tell you that it was not easy but that everything in the world requires patients and perseverance

Men! I love this man, Nelson Mandela of South Africa, he represents true fighters - He is a dogged fighter himself, that's why he said:

So I say to you, never give up, especially in the case below:

If couples cannot give up their love for one another, how can we give up in the struggle to justify the our good family up-bring, the bound between mother and child and love of a bread winner of the house. We can let go because death is inevitable, there is nothing anyone can do about. We keeping on building on the foundations laid by our parents.

Watch out, because God is about to do new things in your lives, in my life and in the lives of all our steemians, for no one is perfect, we are only striving towards perfection, so I say to you:

You should bear in mind that when God opens the door, no man can close it and when God says yes, nobody can say no, because we are all created in God's own image. And as long as there is life, there is hope:

image source: [PIXABAY] and from my Personal Album

Thank you for looking in, please add your own quotable quotes that could be relevant here.


Thanks for this thoughtful post @jphilipsagholor. I woke up this morning thinking that there were some messes in my life, messes that I had created and that I couldn't clean up on my own, that I needed God's help to clean up,

then as I read thru your post I came to this message . "Only God can turn a Mess into a Message"

Very timely, a coincidence? perhaps, but I'm not a big believer in coincidences.

Thanks for the post.

I am happy that a part of this post touched you. I tell you something, Rome was not built in a day, gradually these things will begin to make meaning to you. Moreover, a problem once identified is half solved. Just start today to recount certain incidence in your life and you will discover that so many waters must have passed under the bridge without you knowing. Its not late because God is a patient being. Put Him to the test and see how faithful he is.

It is also said that if we have faith even as little as mustard seed, we can move mountains, not the physical mountain you see but this simply means that God can do great things through us. He will do it for you. Amen.

Thanks for contributing.

You have been my source of strenght, my life and taught me all I know today. Your love for family never dies. There are so much to tell but that will make a post for another day, I hope I dont get to shed more tears at least not as I am doing now .

I love you mama... you taught all of us right and we learnt well too. God bless you my angel. You will live to eat the fruit of your labour. Amen.

Thank you for the wishes and for taking out time to console @supassinggoogle. Am sure he will get to see this and know that he is not alone.

May his mother rest in the Lord. Amen.

Amen! Thanks for those nice words, the glory goes to God, who has been keeping and consoling us. Love you all, my dearest.


I love it. Thanks my dear.

Beautiful contribution and my condolence goes to @supassinggoogle

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